12th Seimas (2016–2020)

Rimantas Jonas Dagys
Rimantas Jonas Dagys
Seimas 2016-2020
Member of the Seimas from 11/14/2016
till 11/13/2020
Nominated by: Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats
Elected: By list

Committees of the Seimas

11/16/2016 - 11/13/2020Committee on Social Affairs and Labour, Member


07/03/2017 - 11/13/2020Subcommittee on Family and Child Welfare, Chair

Commissions of the Seimas

11/22/2016 - 11/13/2020Anticorruption Commission, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

07/16/2019 - 11/13/2020Non-attached Members, Member
11/14/2016 - 07/15/2019Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Member

Date of birth

16 July 1957

Place of birth

Churubai Nura, Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan








PhD in Natural Sciences


Diploma of Chemistry Lecturer, Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius University


Secondary School No 24 (currently Jonas and Petras Vileišiai Basic School) in Kaunas



Work experience





Minister of Social Security and Labour


Lecturer, Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University; Vilnius Pedagogical University (currently Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences)


Research Fellow, Institute of Biotechnology Fermentas



Political career



Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats


Deputy Chairman, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats


Member of the 11th Seimas


Deputy Chair, Committee on Social Affairs and Labour


Member, Anticorruption Commission


Member, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


Member of the 10th Seimas


Member, Committee on Budget and Finance


Member, Chair, Committee on Social Affairs and Labour


Member, Anticorruption Commission


Member of the 9th Seimas


Member, Committee on Budget and Finance


Member, Deputy Chair, Committee on European Affairs


Member, Chair, Anticorruption Commission


Member, Conference of Chairs


Member, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Since 2003

Member, Member of the Presidium (2003–2015), Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives), currently Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats


Chairman, Political Party Social Democracy 2000


Member of the 7th Seimas


Deputy Speaker, Member of the Board of the Seimas


Deputy Chair, Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs


Member, Chair, Committee on European Affairs


Member, Commission on Economic Crimes Investigation


Member, Commission on NATO Affairs


Member, Conference of Chairs


Member, Seimas Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Deputy Head, Seimas Delegation to the Joint Parliamentary Committee of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania


Member of the 6th Seimas


Chair, Subcommittee on Labour, Committee on Social Affairs and Labour


Member, Commission on Economic Crimes Investigation


Member, Deputy Chairman, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party







Activities: Chair, Parliamentary Group “For Family” (2012–); Member, International Catholic Legislators Network (since 2010); Director, non-governmental organisation Conservative Future (2003–2004); Vice-President, Lithuanian Forum on the Future of the European Union (2002–2005); Director, Centre of Euro-Atlantic Community Supporters (2001–2003); Leader, European Movement in Lithuania (2000–2007); Chairman, Trade Union, Institute of Biotechnology (1989–1991); Participant, Lithuanian Reform Movement Sąjūdis, Member Council of the Trade Unions Reform Movement (since 1988); Head of the trade union of students of the Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius University, Head of the culture club

Awards: Cross of Commander of the Order for Merits to Lithuania, Commemorative Medal to Mark Lithuania’s Membership in the EU and NATO

Publications: 53 scientific publications, co-author of three inventions

Foreign languages: English, Russian, Polish

Hobbies: angling, mushroom picking, hunting





Married with three children