12th Seimas (2016–2020)

Egidijus Vareikis
Egidijus Vareikis
Seimas 2016-2020
Member of the Seimas from 11/14/2016
till 11/13/2020
Nominated by: Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union
Elected: By list

Committees of the Seimas

11/16/2016 - 11/13/2020Committee on European Affairs, Member
11/22/2016 - 11/13/2020Committee on Foreign Affairs, Deputy Chair
11/16/2016 - 11/21/2016Committee on Foreign Affairs, Member


07/17/2019 - 11/13/2020Subcommittee on Transatlantic Relations and Democratic Development, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

11/23/2016 - 11/13/2020Petitions Commission, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

03/10/2020 - 11/13/2020Non-attached Members, Member
11/14/2016 - 03/09/2020Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union Political Group, Member

Date of birth

26 March 1958

Place of birth

Kaunas, Lithuania








Traineeships in Austria, Great Britain, Canada and Hungary


Traineeship, Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland


Studies, Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada


Studies, Milwaukee Marquette University, Wisconsin, USA


PhD in Natural Science (Biochemistry)


Diploma in Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius State University (currently Vilnius University),


Secondary School No 7 (currently Šančiai Secondary School) in Kaunas, graduation with a gold medal



Work experience





Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania


Head, Department of Political Science, Vytautas Magnus University


President, Lithuanian Atlantic Treaty Association (LATA)

Since 1996

Lecturer on international and national security and policy challenges in post-Communist countries, Vytautas Magnus University


Lecturer, Vilnius University


Adviser to a Minister of Foreign Affairs


Adviser on Defence and International Security, State Reconstitution Commission of the Supreme Council – Reconstituent Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania


Contributor, radio station Laisvoji Europa, television stations Baltijos TV and Kaunas plius, newspapers Lietuvos aidas, Kauno diena and Amžius, weekly journal Veidas, weekly newspaper Gimtasis žodis


Head, Review Unit, journal Naujasis židinys


Junior Research Fellow, Kaunas branch, Experimental Endocrinology and Hormone Chemistry Institute



Political career





Member of the 11th Seimas


Member, Committee on European Affairs


Member, Committee on Human Rights


Member, Petitions Commission


Member of the 10th Seimas


Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs


Member, Committee on European Affairs


PACE Special Rapporteur on Bosnia and Herzegovina (2011)


Member of the 9th Seimas


Member, Deputy Chair, Committee on the Development of Information Society


Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs


Member, Committee on European Affairs


Member, Deputy Chair, Seimas Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Chairman, PACE Committee on Rules of Procedure; Member, PACE Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and Monitoring Committee; PACE Special Rapporteur on Moldova (2006–2011)


Member of the 8th Seimas


Member, Committee on State Administration and Local Authorities


Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs


Deputy Chair, Committee on European Affairs


Head, Seimas Delegation to the Joint Parliamentary Committee of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania


Deputy Head, Delegation of observers representing the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania at the European Parliament


Member, Delegation of observers representing the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania at the European Parliament


Member, Delegation for the Preparation for EU Accession Negotiations







Awards: Award from the International Catholic Press Union for journalistic activities and promotion of democratic values (1992); NATO Commemorative Medal (2002); Cross of Officer of the Order for Merits to Lithuania (2004)

Interests: diplomacy and parliamentarianism

Publications: books Community of Dreams (Svajonių bendruomenė) (2012), Global Football (Globalusis futbolas) (2008), Tarptautinis ir nacionalinis saugumas (International and National Security) (2005) Dinozaurėjanti Europa: emociniai politiniai pasvarstymai (Europe Becoming a Dinosaur: Emotional and Political Contemplations) (2002); articles for various news websites: Delfi.lt, www.15min.lt, Bernardinai.lt, Lrytas.lt, Siauliaiplus.lt, Nzidinys.lt

Foreign languages: English, Russian, Polish, German, French

Hobbies: the Internet, classical music, football, television





Married with a son (1982–1996) and a daughter