12th Seimas (2016–2020)

Mantas Adomėnas
Mantas Adomėnas
Seimas 2016-2020
Member of the Seimas from 11/14/2016
till 11/13/2020
Nominated by: Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats
Elected: By list

Committees of the Seimas

07/10/2019 - 11/13/2020Committee on Culture, Member
09/12/2018 - 07/09/2019Committee on Foreign Affairs, Member
11/22/2016 - 09/11/2018Committee on Education and Science, Deputy Chair
11/16/2016 - 11/21/2016Committee on Education and Science, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

12/28/2016 - 11/13/2020Commission for the Traditions and Heritage of Lithuanian Studies, Member
11/23/2016 - 03/21/2018Migration Commission, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

06/06/2019 - 11/13/2020Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Member
06/26/2018 - 06/05/2019Non-attached Members, Member
11/14/2016 - 06/25/2018Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Member

Date of birth

1 October 1972

Place of birth

Vilnius, Lithuania








PhD thesis Natura in fluxu: Platonic reception for Presocratic cosmological theories


PhD in Classics, University of Cambridge, UK


Classical Philology, Faculty of Philology, Vilnius University


Secondary School No 41 in Vilnius (currently Vilnius Karoliniškių Gymnasium); graduation with a silver medal



Work experience





President, Institute of Democratic Politics


Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology, Vilnius University


International Programme Director, Civil Society Institute


Lecturer, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, UK


Lecturer, Gonville & Caius College Fellow, Cambridge University, UK

Since 1999

Council Member, Institute of Democratic Politics



Political career





Member of the 11th Seimas


Deputy Chair, Committee on Human Rights


Chairman, Assembly of the Divisions of the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats in Vilnius


Member of the 10th Seimas


Member, Committee on Education, Science and Culture


Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs


Chair, Seimas Delegation to the Baltic Assembly


Adviser to the Deputy Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, Andrius Kubilius

Since 2000

Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats







Membership: Member, Steering Committee, International Catholic Legislators Network (since 2012); Founder, Member of the Board, Ronald Reagan Freedom Centre (since 2012); Chairman, Classical Association, Lithuania (2007–2009); Member, Board of Scrutiny, University of Cambridge (2003–2004); Member, European Ideas Network (since 2004); Board Member, Cambridge University Catholic Association (2002–2004); President, Cambridge University Catholic Graduate Society (1999–2003); Member, IRI LEAP Team (2013), MDA; President, R. H. Benson Society, Cambridge University Catholic Graduate Society

Presentations: Plato, Presocratics, and the Question of Intellectual Genre (Symposium La costruzione di un discorso filosofico nell’eta dei Presocratici, Italy, 2004), Aspects of Heraclitus’ Reception before Plato (II Symposium Heracliteum, Mexico, 2006), What Form, if Any, Did Heraclitus’ Original Text Have? (IV International Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship: Textual Scholarship and the Canon, Vilnius, 2007), etc.

Publications: compiler of the books Hėrakleitas. Fragmentai (Heraclitus: Fragments), 1995; and Platonas. Kratilas (Plato: Cratylus), 1996; author of the articles Heraclitus on Religion, 1999; Self-reference, Textuality, and the Status of the Political Project in Plato’s Laws, 2001; Politinė teologija ir kas toliau (Political Theology and What’s Next?) (Source: Tradicijos likimas. Konservatyviosios minties metmenys/Fate of a Tradition: Outline of Conservative Thought, 2001); The Fluctuating Fortunes of Heraclitus in Plato (Source: Qu’est-ce que la philosophie présocratique?/What is Presocratic Philosophy? 2002); Plato Christianus (Source: Tikėjimo prieigos. Filosofinės studijos / Environs of Faith: Philosophical Studies, 2003); Krikščionybė ir dabarties politinės tvarkos legitimumas (Christianity and Legitimacy of the Current Political Order), 2003; The Failure of the Conservative Project in Lithuania (Source: Why We Lost. Explaining the Rise and Fall of the Center-Right Parties in Central Europe, 2005); Plato, Presocratics, and the Question of Intellectual Genre (Source: La costruzione del discorso filosofico nell’eta dei Presocratici, 2006); and Sudužęs veidrodis, arba apie intelektualų atsakomybę (Broken Mirror or about the Responsibility of Intellectuals) (Source: Nidos sąsiuviniai/Notebooks of Nida, 2006); co-author and compiler of Libertas et Pietas. Konservatizmo antologija 1993–2010 (Libertas et Pietas; Ontology of Conservatism), Vilnius, 2010; and Lietuvos tauta. Būklės ir raidos perspektyvų analizė (Lithuanian Nation: Analysis of the State and Prospects of Development), 2007; Globalios Lietuvos strategijos (Global Strategies of Lithuania), Vilnius, 2010; and Lietuvių kalbos ugdymo 2010–2014 metų strategijos (Strategies for the Enhancement of the Lithuanian Language in 2010–2014), Vilnius, 2010; co-author and compiler of Who is who in Belarus. The unofficial guide, Vilnius, 2013; co-author of Why we won, Bratislava, 2013; co-author and compiler of the collection of essays Lietuvos istorijos herojai (Heroes of the Lithuanian History), Vilnius, 2015; author of the collection of essays Konservatizmo sąsiuviniai I (Notebooks of Conservatism 1), Vilnius, 2015; and Konservatizmo sąsiuviniai II (Notebooks of Conservatism 2), Vilnius, 2016



Foreign languages: English, Italian, Russian, Latin, Ancient Greek, German, Polish

Hobbies: travelling, architecture, baroque







Married with one child