12th Seimas (2016–2020)

Paulius Saudargas
Paulius Saudargas
Seimas 2016-2020
Member of the Seimas from 11/14/2016
till 11/13/2020
Nominated by: Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats
Elected: Justiniškių (No: 7) in the electoral constituency

Committees of the Seimas

11/16/2016 - 11/13/2020Committee on Environment Protection, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

01/16/2019 - 11/13/2020Commission for Energy and Sustainable Development, Member
11/22/2016 - 01/15/2019Commission for Energy and Sustainable Development, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

11/14/2016 - 11/13/2020Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Member

Date of birth

13 March 1979

Place of birth

Kaunas, Lithuania








Doctor of Physical Sciences, Vilnius University


Doctoral studies, Institute of Physics, Vilnius


Qualification upgrading course, Danish Institute of Fundamental Metrology, Kingdom of Denmark


Qualification upgrading course, Vrije University, the Netherlands


MA in Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University


BA in Physics, Physics Teacher; study programme: Experimental Physics; Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University


Salomėja Nėris Secondary School in Vilnius (currently Salomėja Nėris Gymnasium)



Work experience





Research Fellow, Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


Engineer, Molecular Physics Laboratory, Institute of Physics


Engineer, Laboratory of Metrology of Electric Units, Semiconductor Physics Institute


Senior Specialist, Second Investigation Department under the Ministry of National Defence



Political career



Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats


Member of the 11th Seimas


Deputy Chair, Committee on Environment Protection


Member, Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs


Member, Seimas Delegation to the Baltic Assembly


Member of the 10th Seimas


Member, Committee on European Affairs


Member, Committee on the Development of Information Society


Member, Committee on Legal Affairs


Member, Commission of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Lithuanian World Community


Member, Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs


Chair, Seimas Delegation to the Baltic Assembly


Member, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


Member, Seimas Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly


Deputy Chair, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group

Since 2009

Member of the Presidium, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats

Since 2008

Executive Secretary, community Lithuanian Christian Democrats

Since 2000

Member, Lithuanian Christian Democrat Party







Activities: Member, NGO For Civil Society (2005–2008); Chairman, NGO For Civil Society (since 2008); Member of the Board, Lithuanian Youth Council, Chairman of the Committee on Ethics (2005–2007); Member of the Board, NGO Young Christian Democrats (2004–2005); Member, Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union (since 2015); leader and member, expedition for promotion of historical memory to the places of exile and partisan resistance (since 2012)

Co-author of several scientific publications

Hobbies: reading, thinking, writing and taking action

Foreign languages: English, Russian, Polish





Married with one child