till 11/13/2020
Committees of the Seimas
11/11/2019 - 11/13/2020 | Committee on Budget and Finance, Deputy Chair |
09/30/2019 - 11/10/2019 | Committee on Budget and Finance, Member |
07/24/2019 - 09/29/2019 | Committee on State Administration and Local Authorities, Member |
11/21/2017 - 07/23/2019 | Committee on National Security and Defence, Member |
06/14/2017 - 11/20/2017 | Committee on Budget and Finance, Deputy Chair |
12/16/2016 - 06/13/2017 | Committee on Budget and Finance, Member |
Commissions of the Seimas
11/22/2016 - 11/13/2020 | Anticorruption Commission, Member |
11/11/2019 - 11/13/2020 | Commission for Energy and Sustainable Development, Member |
01/16/2019 - 11/10/2019 | Commission for Energy and Sustainable Development, Deputy Chair |
04/05/2018 - 01/15/2019 | Commission for Energy and Sustainable Development, Deputy Chair |
03/23/2018 - 04/04/2018 | Commission for Energy and Sustainable Development, Member |
Political groups of the Seimas
01/13/2020 - 11/13/2020 | Non-attached Members, Member |
09/12/2019 - 01/12/2020 | Political Group “For Lithuania’s Welfare”, Member |
11/14/2017 - 09/11/2019 | Lithuanian Social Democratic Labour Political Group, Deputy Chair |
10/19/2017 - 11/13/2017 | Lithuanian Social Democratic Labour Political Group, Member |
11/14/2016 - 10/18/2017 | Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Political Group, Member |
Date of birth |
19 November 1958 |
Place of birth |
Paežeriai Village, Radviliškis District, Lithuania |
Education |
2008 |
Doctor of Social Sciences (Economics) |
2001 |
Traineeship, Lincoln Institute, Boston, USA |
1999 |
Traineeship in Washington, USA |
1999 |
Traineeship in Austin, Texas, USA |
1998 |
Traineeship in Copenhagen, Denmark |
1995 |
MA in Management, Kaunas University of Technology |
1994 |
Traineeship, Management Academy in Würzburg, Germany |
1990–1991 |
Diploma of Technical Manager, Lithuanian Management Academy |
1984 |
Diploma of Engineering Economist, Faculty of Economics, Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute (currently Vilnius Gediminas Technical University) |
1970–1977 |
Secondary School (currently Gymnasium) in Šeduva |
1966–1970 |
Primary School in Užuožeriai |
Work experience |
2012–2016 |
Prime Minister |
2006–2008 |
Minister of Transport and Communications |
2004–2005 |
Minister of Finance |
1995–1996 |
Director for Market Research and Marketing, public company AB Vilkasta |
1991–1995 |
Deputy Governor of Vilkaviškis District |
1985–1990 |
Architect, Inspector, State Constructions and Architecture Unit, Executive Committee of Vilkaviškis District |
1982–1985 |
Construction Site Manager, industrial conglomerate Žemūktechnika, Vilkaviškis District |
Political career |
2012–2016 |
Member of the 11th Seimas |
2008–2012 |
Member of the 10th Seimas |
Member, Deputy Chairman, Committee on Budget and Finance |
Deputy Chair, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of Western European Union |
Chair, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Political Group (2009–2012) |
Leader of the Opposition |
2004–2008 |
Member of the 9th Seimas |
Member, Committee on Budget and Finance Member, Committee on European Affairs |
Member, Committee on Economics |
2000–2004 |
Member of the 8th Seimas |
Member, Committee on Budget and Finance |
2000–2002 |
Member, Vilkaviškis District Municipal Council |
1996–2000 |
Member of the 7th Seimas |
Member, Committee on Budget and Finance |
Member, Commission for Parliamentary Scrutiny of National Audit |
1995–1997 |
Member, Vilkaviškis District Municipal Board |
1990–1997 |
Member, Vilkaviškis District Municipal Council |
2009–2017 |
Chairman, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party |
1999–2005 |
Deputy Chairman, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party |
1995–1997 |
Chairman, Division of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party in Vilkaviškis |
1992–2017 |
Member, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party |
Miscellaneous |
Awards: Cross of Commander of the Order for Merits to Lithuania (2004), Honorary Citizen of Vilkaviškis District (2008), Honorary Citizen of Radviliškis District (2008); Grand Cross of Commander of the Order of Vytautas the Great (2015); golden Work Star for outstanding merits to the advancement of the Lithuanian Economy (2015); Badge of Cadet of Honour for patriotism and continuous attention to young people (2016) |
Interests: system of national and local finance management, tax policy |
Publications: A. Butkevičius. Mokesčių sistemos įtaka verslo konkurencingumui (Effect of a Fiscal System on Business Competitiveness), Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai (2001); A. Butkevičius. Biudžeto reforma Lietuvoje (Budget Reform in Lithuania), Lietuvos ekonomikos apžvalga (2002); J. Bivainis, A. Butkevičius. Nacionalinio biudžeto išlaidų planavimas (Planning of the National Budget Expenditure), Pinigų studijos (2002); A. Butkevičius. Žinių visuomenės kūrimo finansiniai aspektai (Financial Aspects of Building the Knowledge Society), reports for the conference Lietuvos mokslas ir pramonė: Universitetai žinių visuomenėje (Science and Industry in Lithuania: Universities in the Knowledge Society), Kaunas, Technologija (2003); J. Bivainis, A. Butkevičius. Valstybės biudžeto programų vertinimas (Assessment of the State Budget Programmes), Pinigų studijos (2003); J. Bivainis, A. Butkevičius. Tarpbiudžetinis lėšų perskirstymas (Inter-budget Redistribution of Funds), Pinigų studijos (2003); J. Bivainis, A. Butkevičius. Methodological Aspects of Evaluation of State Budget Programmes, Journal of Business Economics and Management (2003); J. Bivainis, A. Butkevičius. Tarpbiudžetinio lėšų perskirstymo horizantaliojo išlyginimo aspektas (Aspect of Horizontal Equalisation of Inter-budget Redistribution of Funds), Verslas, vadyba ir studijos (2004); A. Butkevičius, J. Rimas, R. Stačiokas. Diversity of Evaluation of Consequences of the Tax Policy, Verslas: teorija ir praktika (2005); R. Ginevičius, A. Butkevičius, V. Podvezko. Naujų Europos Sąjungos šalių ekonominės plėtros daugiakriterinis įvertinimas (Multi-criteria Evaluation of Economic Development of the EU’s new Member States), Verslas: teorija ir praktika (2005); R. Ginevičius, A. Butkevičius, V. Podvezko. Complex Evaluation of Economic Development of the Baltic States and Poland, Ekonomicky Časopis (Journal of Economics) (2006) |
Foreign languages: Russian and English |
Hobbies: literature, sport |
Family |
Married with a child |