12th Seimas (2016–2020)

Audronė Jankuvienė
Audronė Jankuvienė
Seimas 2016-2020
Member of the Seimas from 07/09/2019
till 11/13/2020
Nominated by: Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union
Elected: By list

Committees of the Seimas

07/10/2019 - 11/13/2020Committee on Audit, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

07/24/2019 - 11/13/2020Commission for the Cause of Freedom and the National Historical Memory, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

09/12/2019 - 11/13/2020Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union Political Group, Member
09/10/2019 - 09/11/2019Non-attached Members, Member
07/23/2019 - 09/09/2019Order and Justice (Sovereign Lithuania) Political Group, Member
07/09/2019 - 07/22/2019Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union Political Group, Member

Date of birth

14 March 1960

Place of birth

Kaunas, Lithuania






Diploma of Journalist, Vilnius University


Secondary School No 22 in Kaunas; Secondary School No 27 in Kaunas (currently Vytautas Gymnasium), graduation with honours



Work experience



Assistant to Member of the Seimas


Head of Public Relations, Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts


Editor, business section, bibliographical directory Kas yra kas Lietuvoje (Who is Who in Lithuania); Editor-in Chief, series of publications Kas yra kas Lietuvoje. Kraštiečiai (Who is Who in Lithuania. Fellow Nationals), private company Neolitas UAB


Journalist, Editor of Argumentai economy and business section, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, daily Kauno diena



Political career



No party affiliation





Awards: by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists for articles on economics and business; Kazys and Jurgis Bobelis prize for anti-corruption articles; Vytautas Gedgaudas award of the Lithuanian Journalist Union for a collection of articles Žodžiai kaip smėlis. Žvilgsniai (Words like Sand. Approaches) originally published as journalist comments in the daily Kauno diena; Santaka Insignia of Honour (2nd degree) by Kaunas City for professional activities and merits to the city of Kaunas; medal of the Lithuanian Union of Journalists for strengthening and promotion of the prestige of professional journalism through leading by personal example; Insignia of Honour by the Kaunas Region Association of Industrialists and Employers.

Membership: Member, Lithuanian Union of Journalists (1990–2019); Member, National Association of Creative Journalists (2008–2019).

Foreign languages: German and Russian




Married with three children