Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas  Lietuviškai  

Member of the Seimas 2000-2004



Member of the Seimas from 10/19/2000 till 11/14/2004.

Personal E-mail: [email protected]

  • Committee on Education, Science and Culture Member of Committee (from 10/24/2000 till 11/14/2004)
  • Commission on the Problems of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant Member of Commission (from 01/25/2001 till 11/14/2004)
  • Commission on NATO Affairs Member of Commission (from 12/14/2000 till 11/14/2004)
  • Parliamentary Group of the Social Democratic Coalition (LDDP-LSDP-LRS) Member of a Parliamentary Group (from 10/20/2000 till 11/14/2004)
  • Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo Tarpparlamentinių ryšių su Rusijos Federacija grupės ir Kaliningrado srities Dūmos parlamentarų forumas, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the USA, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with North European countries (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland), Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations of Good Neighbourhood with the Republic of Byelorussia, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Ireland, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Russian Federation, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Italy, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Taiwan, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Armenia, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Republic of Georgia, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the People's Republic of China, Member
  • Tarpparlamentinių ryšių su Belgijos Karalyste, Nyderlandų Karalyste ir Didžiąja Liuksemburgo Hercogyste grupė, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Republic of Poland, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Greece and Cyprus, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Korea, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Romania, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Republic of Latvia, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Japan, Member
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Azerbaijan, Member


LR Seimas