
Staff of Commissions

Commissions of the Seimas

For resolving short-term or limited assignments, the Seimas may form standing commissions to examine special problems or to form ad hoc investigatory, control, revision, preparatory, editorial and other commissions to examine and prepare or fulfil another mission of the Seimas.

If at the time of formation the term of the commission powers had not been clearly indicated, the activity of the commission shall be terminated per decision of the Seimas upon completion of the assigned tasks.

The number of commission members shall be established first, in forming a commission. The norms of proportional representation of the Seimas parliamentary groups as well as the term to be proposed for candidates to commission membership shall be established after that.

Should the submitted list of candidates to commission membership prove to be insufficient, the parliamentary groups and each member of the Seimas may verbally suggest an additional candidate, during the meeting and after them, until the needed number of candidates shall be attained.

Each of the recommended candidates must agree verbally and, if not present at the meeting, submit a written agreement to work on the commission. The Seimas shall vote for the list of candidates derived thus. Should it fail to be approved, the procedure shall be repeated.

When candidates for commission membership are proposed during a Seimas sitting and not according to designated norms, and even if at least two Seimas members express doubt regarding any of the candidates, he(she) shall be voted on individually. If more candidates are recommended for commission membership during a Seimas sitting than the established number of candidates, and all of the proposed candidates agree to work on the commission, an open-ballot vote shall be taken with the list of candidates included on the ballots.

In certain instances Seimas may establish another procedure of commission formation, however these may not consist of representatives of one parliamentary group or one committee.

 © Office of the Seimas, 2008