Speaker of the Seimas 

Speaker of the Seimas Irena DEGUTIENĖ (2009-09-16 - 2012-11-16)
Speaker of the Seimas Arūnas VALINSKAS (2008-11-17 - 2009-09-15)

1. The Speaker of the Seimas shall:

1) direct the work of the Seimas and represent the Seimas;

2) within 10 days following the passage, certify with his signature the authenticity of the text of the law passed by the Seimas and refer it to the President of the Republic to sign, within 10 days sign the Statute of the Seimas and amendments thereto, within 3 days sign the laws which are not signed by the President of the Republic and not returned to the Seimas for repeat consideration within 10 days from the submission thereof, as well as proclaim them;

3) within 10 days from the passage, sign the resolutions of the Seimas and other acts passed by the Seimas;

4) within 24 hours sign the minutes of Seimas sittings, as well as the decisions of the Board of the Seimas, provided he has presided over them;

5) temporarily act as President of the Republic or temporarily deputise for President of the Republic in the cases specified in Article 89 of the Constitution;

6) have the right to convene an extraordinary Seimas sitting or an extraordinary session in the cases laid down in paragraph 1 of Article 89 of the Constitution;

7) propose to the Seimas candidatures to the posts of Deputy Speakersof the Seimas;

8) propose to the Seimas candidatures to Constitutional Court judges in accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution;

9) propose to the Seimas the candidatures of the Seimas ombudsmen and the head of the Seimas ombudsmen’s office for appointment and dismissal;

10) propose candidatures to the Seimas for appointment and dismissal to the posts of heads and deputy heads of State institutions in the cases provided by the Constitution and laws;

11) preside over the sittings of the Seimas and the Board of the Seimas or charge one of his Deputies to carry out this function;

12) submit drafts of the work programmes of a session and draft agendas of week- or day-long sittings to the Assembly of Elders or charge one of his Deputies to carry out this function;

13) submit draft agendas of meetings of the Board of the Seimas or charge one of his Deputies to carry out this function; and

14) exercise other powers provided for in this Statute.

2. While exercising his powers, the Speaker of the Seimas shall issue directives.

3. The Speaker of the Seimas and, in his absence, his Deputy may, provided he is not presiding over a sitting, voice out of turn his own opinion or the opinion of the Board of the Seimas on any issue under consideration at the Seimas sittings.

4. During a session of the Seimas, the Speaker of the Seimas, his Deputies shall, at least once a month, answer the questions concerning their activities, which are beforehand submitted in writing by the Seimas Members.

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