Press releases 

Irena Degutienė, Speaker of the Seimas: “A principled agreement on creating a level playing field through equalising direct payments to farmers across Member States should be reached during the negotiations on the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020”
Mrs Degutienė, Speaker of the Seimas: the Constitution is an indicator of the standard of the national legal culture and culture in the broad sense of the word, which we need to raise through our professional and moral endeavours
The Speaker of the Seimas congratulated Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis, first Head of State in the re-established independent Lithuania, on his 80th birthday
The Seimas Commemorated the 80th Birth Anniversary of Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas, President, Signatory to the Act of Independence of Lithuania
Seimas Speaker: "We are happy to revive slightly weakened parliamentary relations between Lithuania and Germany”
Proposal to amend the Law on Elections to the European Parliament by European provisions
Seimas Speaker presents the draft programme and priorities of the Seimas regular autumn session
Seimas Speaker congratulated Seimas members of the 2008–2012 term who had gathered for their last 9th regular autumn session
Speaker of the Seimas: relations between Lithuania and Russia should be developed in the spirit inspired by Boris Yeltsin
Speaker of the Seimas: not only Lithuania must be concerned about the construction of potentially unsafe nuclear power plants in the vicinity of the EU
Speaker of the Seimas welcomed the 14th Seimas of the Lithuanian World Community
Speaker of the Seimas greeted the participants of the first meeting of the World Lithuanian Youth
Mrs Degutienė, Speaker of the Seimas, discusses the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union at her meeting with diplomats of the Republic of Lithuania
Speaker of the Seimas: Europe Suffers not Only Financial but Also Value Crisis
Speaker of the Seimas together with Speakers of Latvian and Estonian parliaments opened Baltic Assembly Parliamentary Seminar
Speaker Degutienė welcomes the agreement on defence funding but is sorry about the stand of the opposing parties
Participants of the Forum appeal to Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine, regarding Yulia Tymoshenko
US Senator John McCain hopes that Lithuanian parties will reach an accord on adequate defence spending
Speaker of the Seimas Asks the Head of the Bundestag for Greater Consideration to the Problems of the Decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
Irena Degutienė: Lithuanian-Polish bilateral relations need resetting
Seimas Speaker signed the Declaration of Cooperation among the Houses of the Parliaments of Ireland, Lithuania and Greece in support of the preparation and fulfilment of EU Presidency
Statement of the Seimas Committee on Human Rights on the Situation of Human Rights in Tibet
Speaker of the Seimas: “Without the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania, the values it praised, and the circle of people it mobilised, the national revival would have been different”
The Programme for the Spring Session of the Seimas Was Presented
Speaker of the Seimas: Energy Projects Are the Key Tasks for the Spring Session
Speaker of the Seimas Received Ambassadors of China and Japan
Vice-President of the Armenian Parliament Asked for Support in Building Closer Ties with Europe
Speaker of the Seimas receives Dutch and Greek Ambassadors
Speaker of the Seimas Offers Condolences to the Families of the Victims Killed in the Train Crash in Poland
Speaker of the Seimas: co-operation between the Nordic and Baltic States – one of the key Lithuanian foreign policy priorities
Speaker of the Seimas Focused on Support to Hungary in the Meetings with the Representatives of the Swedish Government
Speaker of the Seimas: Latvia Has Preserved its National Identity
Speaker of the Seimas Offers Her Condolences to the Polish Nation
Speaker Irena Degutienė, “NATO is the Guarantor of Lithuania’s Security“
Lithuania is Ready to Share its Experience with Turkey

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