Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas

Member of the Seimas 1996-2000



Member of the Seimas from 11/25/1996 till 10/18/2000.

Personal E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

  • Committee on Budget and Finance Deputy Chairman of Committee (from 11/26/1996 till 10/18/2000)
  • Centre Parliamentary Group Member of a Parliamentary Group (from 11/26/1996 till 10/18/2000)
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the People's Republic of China, Deputy Chairman
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Turkey, Deputy Chairman
Was elected to the Supreme Council - Reconstituent Seimas 1990 - 1992.


Born on 30 April 1949, in Vilnius.

Habil. Doctor of economics, Professor at Vilnius University, Expert of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, active member of the International Academy of Information.1990-1992 - Deputy of the Supreme Council - the Reconstituent Seimas.

Delivered lectures at many foreign universities, published over 300 scientific articles. Currently works at Vilnius University. Chairman of the National Securities Exchange, Chairman of the Council of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute. Consultant of the Lithuanian and foreign companies.

Was member of the CPSU.

Elected Secretary of the Central Committee at the 22nd Congress of the Lithuanian Communist Party on 22 December, 1989.

Withdrew from this position in March 1990.

Deputy Chairman of the Lithuanian Centre Union.

Speaks English, German, Russian and Polish languages.

Has two grown up daughters.

A member of the Seimas Delegation to the Interparliamentary Union.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Greece and Cyprus.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Italy.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the People's Republic of China.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Poland.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Republic of Turkey.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany.

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LR Seimas