Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas

Member of the Seimas 1996-2000



Member of the Seimas from 11/25/1996 till 10/18/2000.

Personal E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

  • Committee on Foreign Affairs Member of Committee (from 05/14/1998 till 10/18/2000)
  • United Parliamentary Group Member of a Parliamentary Group (from 11/26/1996 till 10/18/2000)
  • Committee on European Affairs Member of Committee (from 09/18/1997 till 10/18/2000)
  • Commission on NATO Affairs Member of Commission (from 08/31/1999 till 10/18/2000)
  • Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the People's Republic of China, Deputy Chairman
  • Seimas Delegation to Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Head/Chief (from 12/19/1996 till 10/18/2000)
  • Seimas Delegation to the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania Joint Parliamentary Committee, Member (from 09/25/1997 till 10/18/2000)
Was elected to the Seimas 1992 - 1996.


Born in Kaunas on 4 March, 1923, into the family of a Lithuanian officer, a volunteer.

Finished Jonas Jablonskis primary school and Aušra Boys' Higher school. In 1941 took part in the rising of the nation against soviet occupants. Studied medicine at Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University, as well as Graz and Tubingen Universities. In 1948 defended a thesis and was awarded Doctor's degree in medical sciences.

Upon the arrival in USA in 1949, lived in Chicago. Studied and specialised at Hopkins, Boston and Temple Universities, became a surgeon. In 1953 started private practice in Chicago. In 1978-1991 worked in Florida. Worked at many hospitals and universities. Member of the US Association of Physicians and other medical societies. Member of the Society of the World Lithuanian Physicians. Member of the Academy of Catholic Sciences since 1949.

In 1962-1976 - member of the Council of the US Lithuanian Community. In 1970-1979 - Chairman of ALTO. In 1979 - Chairman of the Chief Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania.

In 1956 - awarded Ellis Island Medal of the USA Congress as the most merited American Lithuanian. In 1984 was conferred the Grand Decoration of St. Grigalius by Pope John Paul II "For the Struggle for the Freedom of Religion and Nation in Lithuania."

In 1993 was awarded the Second Class Order of Vytis Cross.

Has resided in Lithuania since 1992. Elected to the Seimas in Marijampolė electoral district No. 29 in 1992. Headed the Foreign Affairs Committee in the sixth Seimas. In 1996 was repeatedly elected to the Seimas in the same electoral district.

Elected Deputy Chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Ottawa in 1995, and re-elected for the new three-year term of office in Stockholm in 1996.

In 1997 nominated himself to the post of the President of the Republic of Lithuania.

Member of the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Union, its Board member.

Speaks English, Polish, Russian and German.

Wife Dalia. They have three daughters and two sons.

Head of the Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

Member of the Seimas Delegation to the European Union and the Republic of Lithuanian Joint Parliamentary Committee.

Member of the Delegation to the Interparliamentary Union.

Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Czech Republic.

Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Canada.

Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the People's Republic of China.

Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany.

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LR Seimas