Member of the Seimas 1996-2000
Born in Kazakstan, in the city of Churubai Nura on 16 July, 1957. His parents were deported by Soviet occupants and had been imprisoned in Siberia labour camps for 10 years.
In 1964 returned to Lithuania and started attending Karmėlava primary school in Kaunas region. In 1975 finished Kaunas secondary school No. 24. Studied chemistry at Vilnius University. In 1980 worked at the Institute of Biotechnology "Fermentas" as a scientific research worker. Doctor of Natural Sciences. Author of 52 scientific publications in foreign and soviet press and the co-author of 3 inventions. Got engaged in a political activity while participating in the Lithuanian Reform Movement Sąjūdis and worked in the Sąjūdis initiative group of the Trade Unions. A member of the Seimas since 1992. A member of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, a member of its Presidium, Chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party of Vilnius division. Prime Minister of the shadow Government of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party. Speaks English, Russian and Polish. Married. The family has three sons. Member of the Seimas Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Member of the Seimas Delegation to the Interparliamentary Union. Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Knesset of Israel. Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Japan. Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with North European Countries (Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden). Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Republic of Canada. Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Tibet.