Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas

Member of the Seimas 1996-2000

Petras Antanas ŠALČIUS

Petras Antanas ŠALČIUS*

Member of the Seimas from 11/25/1996 till 10/18/2000.

Personal E-mail: [email protected]


Born on 11 June 1943 in Prienai region.

In 1949-1958 was deported to Siberia together with his parents.

In 1961 - finished Kaunas evening school.

In 1966 - graduated from Kaunas Polytechnic Institute (currently - Technological University) as a road engineer. Worked in Kaunas Road administration as a worked superintendent. Worked in Vilkaviškis Road Repair Administration and Rokiškis Road Construction Administration as chief engineer.

From 1993 - chief inspector of the State Bridge Inspectorate.

In 1990 - elected Deputy of Rokiškis region Council, was Chairman of the Economics and Budget Commission.

In 1995 - elected to Rokiškis region Council and Chairman of the Economics, Finance and Industry Committee.

Together with the Seimas Rural Affairs Committee takes charge of rural social problems, development of co-operation.

In 1994 - Chairman of the Political Committee of the Homeland Union(Lithuania Conservatives).

Speaks the Russian language.

Married. Has the adult sons.

Member of the Seimas Delegation to the Interparliamentary Union.

Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany.

Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Canada.

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