Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas

Member of the Seimas 1996-2000


Stanislovas BUŠKEVIČIUS*

Member of the Seimas from 11/25/1996 till 10/18/2000.

Personal E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Born in Kaunas on 14 September, 14.

Graduated form the Department of economics of Vilnius University. Worked at Kaunas enterprises as a worker, a foreman, an engineer, a sociologist. In 1988-1990 - a teacher of Western political economy at Kaunas Institute of Medicine from which he was dismissed for anti-Soviet activity.

In November of 1988 signed the manifest of the "Young Lithuania" which demanded the re-establishment of Independent and democratic Lithuania. In 1989-1990 - organised a boycott to the service in the occupational army - a massive return of military membership cards and registration certificates to Moscow. In 1990 organised the action of pulling down of soviet monuments.

In the spring of 1992, at the invitation of the French Human Rights Association took a course in the field of international Human rights in Paris.

Worked as a consultant on the issues of the youth.

A member of the Public Committee to erect a monument to R. Kalanta in the square of the Musical Theatre.

After his severe addresses against the Mafia and corrupted Kaunas representatives of law enforcement on 23 March, 1994, an attempt on his life was made.

In 1995 was elected member of the Self-government of the city of Kaunas, Chairman of the Commission on Fight against Corruption.

Belonged neither to pioneer nor young communist organisation or the CPSU.

Chairman of the Lithuanian National Party "Young Lithuania".

Married. The family has two daughters.

Speaks English and Russian.

Member of the Seimas delegation to the Interparliamentary Union.

Member of the Interparliamentary Relations group of Lithuania and the Republic of Austria

Member of Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Czech Republic

Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the USA.

Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Kuwait.

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