Member of the Seimas 1996-2000
Born on 10 June 1960 in Marijampolė, into the family of workers.
In 1978 finished Kaunas secondary school No, 9. In 1985 - graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University. In 1990 - Doctor of Philosophy. In 1990 - study visit to Goethe University in Germany. In 1991 - a study trip to the Catholic University of Washington, USA. In 1988-1991 - a lecturer at Vilnius Engineering Construction Institute (currently - Gediminas Technical University). In 1991-1996 - headed Joint Lithuanian-German Enterprise "R.R.W. Medical Trade" ('Vokiečių vaistinė). Member of the Lithuanian Centre union. Speaks German, English and Russian languages. Married. Has two children. Member of the Seimas Delegation to the Interparliamentary Union. Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Group to Support Business. Deputy Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Italy. Deputy Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Knesset of Israel. Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the USA. Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany. Member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.