Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas

Member of the Seimas 1996-2000



Member of the Seimas from 11/25/1996 till 10/18/2000.

Personal E-mail: [email protected]


Born on 1 February 1951 in Kretinga.

In 1974 graduated form the Department of Physic of Vilnius University.

Till 1988 - scientific research worker at the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical technology of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

1988-1990 - Head of the Department at the Institute of Geology. Doctor of Nature Sciences.

1990-1995 - deputy of the Council of the city of Vilnius, till 1993 - Chairman of the Council of the city of Vilnius.

In 1993 - Director of Commerce of Joint-stock venture "Santra."

Member of the Lithuanian Centre Union.

Speaks English, Russian and Polish languages.

Wife Danutė Kotryna is a book-keeper, the family has two daughters.

Member of the Seimas Delegation to the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania Joint Parliamentary Committee.

Member of the Seimas Delegation for the Relations with the European Parliament.

Member of the Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.

A member of the Seimas Delegation to the Interparliamentary Union.

Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Relations Group of Lithuania and the Republic of Austria.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Italy.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Czech Republic

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Greece and Cyprus

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Knesset of Israel.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Japan.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Canada.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Republic of Kuwait.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Russian Federation.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with Poland.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with North European Countries (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden)

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany.

A member of the Parliamentary Group for the Relations with the Ukraine.

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