Advisers and assistants to Laima Nagienė, Member of the Seimas
Member of the Seimas
Name, surname Position* Office tel.* E-mail
Miranda GRIGONIENĖAdviser
+370 612 15708
[email protected]
Nijolė GRIGONYTĖAdviser
+370 612 15973
[email protected]
Aušra PODELIENĖ (in the electoral constituency)Adviser
+370 5 209 6655
[email protected]
Simona ŽIŽIENĖAdviser
+370 5 209 6655
[email protected]
* Should the assistant secretaries to any Member of the Seimas not have their own office telephone number, the number corresponding to the MP''s office telephone number shall be indicated.