Speaker of the Seimas: strong EU and NATO, sustainable transatlantic relations, adamant support for Ukraine, and parliamentary diplomacy are the key directions of Lithuania’s foreign policy
Saulius Skvernelis, Speaker of the Seimas: strategic partnership with the United States remains Lithuania’s key foreign policy priority
Saulius Skvernelis, Speaker of the Seimas, following his meeting with the Ukrainian Defence Minister: ‘Lithuania and its people stand strong with Ukraine in its freedom fight’
Seimas approved Gintautas Paluckas’ nomination for the post of Prime Minister
Speaker of the Seimas Saulius Skvernelis speaks with heads of parliaments of the Baltic States
Rasa Budbergytė has been appointed as the Chair of the Committee on European Affairs
Speaker of the Seimas congratulates the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia on Independence Day
The Seimas forms political groups and appoints their chairs
Saulius Skvernelis has been elected Speaker of the Seimas
Members of the 14th Seimas took the oath of office and acquired all the rights of a representative of the Nation
Speaker of the Seimas congratulates the Polish Parliament on Independence Day
Seimas of the 2024–2028 legislative period to start work on 14 November
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