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Members of the Seimas

Vaclav Stankevič
Vaclav Stankevič
Seimas 2004-2008
Member of the Seimas from 11/15/2004
till 11/17/2008
Nominated by: Naujoji sąjunga (socialliberalai)
Elected: Marių (No: 21) in the electoral constituency
Position Position
Biography Biography

Committees of the Seimas

04/08/2008 - 06/16/2008Committee on European Affairs, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

05/30/2006 - 12/04/2006Commission for NATO Affairs, Member
12/22/2004 - 05/29/2006Commission for NATO Affairs, Chair
12/16/2004 - 12/21/2004Commission for NATO Affairs, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

05/25/2006 - 01/30/2008New Union (Social Liberals) Political Group, Deputy Chair
04/13/2006 - 05/24/2006New Union (Social Liberals) Political Group, Deputy Chair
11/15/2004 - 04/12/2006New Union (Social Liberals) Political Group, Deputy Chair

Drafts tabled

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