Edmundas Pupinis
Seimas 2020-2024
Member of the Seimas from 11/13/2020
Nominated by: Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
Elected: Utenos (No: 51) in the electoral constituency
Contacts Contacts
Room: I-432
Tel: +370 5 209 6701
Constituency office
Maironio g. 12, 28143 Utena m.
Position Position
Biography Biography

Conference of Chairs

11/13/2020Conference of Chairs, Member

Committees of the Seimas

11/19/2020Committee on Education and Science, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

12/04/2020Petitions Commission, Chair
11/24/2020 - 01/14/2021Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs, Member
11/24/2020 - 12/03/2020Petitions Commission, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

12/15/2020Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Deputy Chair
11/13/2020 - 12/14/2020Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Member

Parliamentary groups

12/18/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Hungary, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Japan, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Romania, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, Deputy Head
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Holy See, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the People's Republic of China, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head
12/03/2020 Group for Interparliamentary Relations with the Republic of Korea, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Latvia, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Moldova, Deputy Head
12/11/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Tajikistan, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Türkiye, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the State of Israel, Member
12/03/2020 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the United States of America, Member
12/10/2020 Parliamentary Group for Relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan), Member
05/11/2022 Provisional Group for Cooperation with the Lithuanian Youth Council, Member
12/17/2020 Provisional Group for Promotion of Multifunctional Forests, Member
05/20/2022 Provisional Group for Relations with Lithuanian Jewish Expatriates (Litvaks), Member
11/19/2020 Provisional Group "For the Family", Member
11/17/2020 Provisional Group of Aukštaičiai, Deputy Head
03/29/2022 Provisional Group of Former Mayors, Member
05/25/2021 Provisional Group ‘ŽŪA Alumniʼ of Graduates of the Vytautas Magnus University, Member
12/08/2020 Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, Member
12/08/2020 Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Member

Drafts tabled

Business trips

2024.05.27 - 2024.06.02Dėl Edmundo Pupinio ir Juliaus Sabatausko dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Kazachstano Respublikos parlamento atstovais (Kazachstano Respublika)
2024.01.29 - 2024.02.02Dėl Valentino Bukausko, Jono Gudausko, Edmundo Pupinio, Kazio Starkevičiaus ir Algirdo Stončaičio dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Moldovos Respublikos valdžios atstovais (Moldovos Respublika)
2023.06.19 - 2023.06.19Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo susitikime su Lenkijos lietuvių bendruomene (Lenkijos Respublika)
2023.06.19 - 2023.06.19Dėl Seimo valdybos 2023 m. birželio 12 d. sprendimo Nr. SV-S-990 „Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo susitikime su Lenkijos lietuvių bendruomene“ pakeitimo (Lenkijos Respublika)
2023.06.19 - 2023.06.19Dėl Seimo valdybos 2023 m. birželio 12 d. sprendimo Nr. SV-S-990 „Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo susitikime su Lenkijos lietuvių bendruomene“ pakeitimo (Lenkijos Respublika)
2023.03.17 - 2023.03.20Dėl Edmundo Pupinio ir Juliaus Sabatausko dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Kazachstano Respublikos valdžios atstovais (Kazachstano Respublika)
2022.07.13 - 2022.07.16Dėl Seimo valdybos 2022 m. liepos 5 d. sprendimo Nr. SV-S-601 „Dėl Valentino Bukausko, Žygimanto Pavilionio, Edmundo Pupinio ir Kazio Starkevičiaus dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Azerbaidžano Respublikos (Azerbaidžano Respublika)
2022.07.13 - 2022.07.16Dėl Valentino Bukausko, Edmundo Pupinio ir Kazio Starkevičiaus dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Azerbaidžano Respublikos valdžios atstovais (Azerbaidžano Respublika)
2022.02.27 - 2022.03.03Dėl Jono Jaručio, Edmundo Pupinio ir Kazio Starkevičiaus dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Kazachstano Respublikos valdžios atstovais (Kazachstano Respublika)
2021.09.25 - 2021.09.25Dėl Andriaus Bagdono, Algimanto Dumbravos, Liudo Jonaičio, Edmundo Pupinio ir Kazio Starkevičiaus dalyvavimo Baltų vienybės dienos minėjimo renginiuose (Latvijos Respublika)
2021.09.25 - 2021.09.25Dėl Seimo valdybos 2021 m. rugsėjo 22 d. sprendimo Nr. SV-S-201 „Dėl Andriaus Bagdono, Algimanto Dumbravos, Liudo Jonaičio, Edmundo Pupinio ir Kazio Starkevičiaus dalyvavimo Baltų vienybės dienos minėjimo renginiuose“ pakeitimo (Latvijos Respublika)


No data found
No data found


Date of birth

9 August 1964

Place of birth

Vėlūnai Village, Ignalina District, Lithuania








Master’s in Educology, Lithuanian University of Agriculture (currently Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy)


Engineer and Teacher, Faculty of Mechanics, Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture


Rimšės Secondary School, Ignalina District



Work experience



Head, Adult Training Division, Regional Professional Training Centre in Utena


Member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania


Director, Utena Regional Centre, insurance company UAB Ergo Lietuva


Deputy Director, Director, Utena Branch, private insurance company UADB Preventa


Mayor, Utena District Municipal Council


Teacher, Vocational School of Agriculture and Food Industry in Utena (currently Regional Vocational Training Centre)


Head of practical training, Vocational School of Agriculture in Utena


Teacher, Vocational School of Agriculture in Utena



Political career



Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats


Member of the 12th Seimas


Member, Committee on Education and Science


Member, Deputy Chair, Petitions Commission


Member, Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs


Chair, Audit Committee, Utena District Municipal Council


Member, Utena District Municipal Council


Member of the 10th Seimas


Chair, Committee on Rural Affairs


Member, Committee on European Affairs (2008–2010)


Member, Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs


Member of the 9th Seimas


Member, Committee on Economics (2004–2006)


Member, Committee on Audit (2006–2008)


Member, Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs


Member, Utena District Municipal Council

2001–2005, since 2011

Chairman, Division of the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats in Utena


Mayor, Utena District Municipal Council

Since 1995   

Member, Homeland Union (currently Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats)





Citizen of Honour of Chelm, Poland

Languages: Russian and Polish

Hobbies: active recreation, music, sports




Wife Diana, sons Mantas and Tadas


Seat at plenary chamber Seat at plenary chamber