Seimas of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations in 1569–1795: overview
The Union of Lublin by Jan Matejko, 1869, oil on canvas, 298 x 512 cm |
Parliamentarianism in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania entered a new stage of development on 1 July 1569 when the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland concluded the Union of Lublin. Signed in the city of Lublin, the Act of the Union firmly enshrined the requirement to hold joint conventions. Previously, the Seimas of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations as a political institution was regarded with a degree of scepticism by historians. However, currently, in the historical context of European parliamentarianism, it is considered as a unique phenomenon –– a single parliamentary institution founded on the basis of a political union between two states. The Seimas of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations lived for 226 years, which was a remarkably long period of time; and it ceased to exist only after interference of foreign forces.
From 1569, parliamentary institutions started operating at new levels: the federal level with the Seimas of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations (1569–1793); the level of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with conventions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, including Vilnius conventions, (1576–1671); and the local level with conventions of pavietas and voivodeships of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (from 1565), general conventions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1589–1710), and local and general conventions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (18th century) held in preparation for the Seimas of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations.
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Prepared by Žydrūnas Mačiukas