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12th Seimas (2016–2020)

Valdas Vasiliauskas
Valdas Vasiliauskas
Seimas 2012-2016
Member of the Seimas from 11/16/2012
till 11/14/2016
Nominated by: Political Party The Way of Courage
Elected: By list
Position Position
Biography Biography

Committees of the Seimas

01/01/2014 - 11/14/2016Committee on National Security and Defence, Member
11/20/2012 - 12/31/2013Committee on National Security and Defence, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

11/27/2012 - 11/14/2016Anticorruption Commission, Member
05/22/2015 - 06/08/2016Migration Commission, Chair
04/29/2015 - 05/21/2015Migration Commission, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

05/31/2016 - 11/14/2016Non-attached Members, Member
06/26/2014 - 05/30/2016Order and Justice (Sovereign Lithuania) Political Group, Member
06/20/2014 - 06/25/2014Non-attached Members, Member
11/16/2012 - 06/19/2014"The Way of Courage" Political Group, Member

Drafts tabled

Duomenų apie registruotus teisės aktų projektus ir pasiūlymus nėra.

No data found

Date of birth

10 December 1951

Place of birth

Lazdijai, Lithuania






Graduation from Vilnius State University (currently Vilnius University), Diploma in Journalism


Graduation from Secondary School in Lazdijai



Work Experience


2007–June 2012

Director General and Editor-in-Chief, daily newspaper Lietuvos žinios


Founder and Director, private company UAB Ekstra


Founder and Editor, weekly TV magazine TV Antena


Founder and Editor-in-Chief, the first weekly magazine in Lithuania Veidas


Head, Unit of Culture, daily newspaper Lietuvos aidas


Executive Secretary, weekly newspaper Literatūra ir menas


Chairman, Theatrical Unit, Lithuanian Theatre Union


Head, Board of Art Affairs, Ministry of Culture


Executive Secretary, weekly newspaper Literatūra ir menas


Head, Theatre and Cinema Unit, weekly newspaper Literatūra ir menas


Reporter, Theatre and Cinema Unit, weekly newspaper Literatūra ir menas



Political career



No party affiliation

Since 2012

Member, Committee on National Security and Defence


Member, Anticorruption Commission


Member, “The Way of Courage” Political Group


Member, Conference of Chairs



Titles: Best theatre critic of the season in Lithuania (1989)

Awards: Freedom Award given by the Lithuanian Front of Los Angeles (2008)

Interests: political review and commentary

Publications: a collection of journalistic articles Amžinasis nomenklatūros pavasaris (published by the Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and Deportees in 1995); a collection of theatre reviews Teatras be iliuzijų (1989); a book Teatro malonumas (2012); a number of theatre reviews in national and foreign media in Russian, English, German and other languages; a collection of short stories Žiemos sapnas (publishing house Vaga, 1984)


Languages: Lithuanian (native), Russian, English and German



Married with one daughter and one son

Seat at plenary chamber Seat at plenary chamber