The participants of the Congress are invited to discuss the role and responsibility of parliaments in shaping and steering the future of the world.
The Congress will consist of three thematic sessions, aimed at the most pressing and strategically oriented geopolitical topics, a round table of the heads of the delegations, and a set of parallel sessions open for presentations by the parliamentary delegations from around the world.
Each thematic session will start with a keynote speech followed by a panel debate and will end with an open discussion. At the end of each parallel session, moderators and/or rapporteurs will make a summary.
The Congress is expected to end with the adoption of a joint statement on the inter-parliamentary collaboration in shaping the world’s future.
Plenary session 1: Geostrategic Reconstruction of the World
Indicative topics:
- The conflict in Ukraine in the geostrategic perspective
- The reform of the United Nations Organization: towards a new political world order?
- The impact of geostrategic shift on social and economic futures
The first plenary session of the Congress will confront the prospects of geostrategic change triggered by Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine. The session will embrace the formation of a multipolar world, possible trajectories and structures of world governance, and the impacts of geostrategic shifts on global social transformations and the world economy.
Plenary session 2: The Future of Democracy
Indicative topics:
- Political parties and ideologies in the future
- Participation, influence, and (dis)information
- Parliamentarianism and governance in the future
The second plenary session of the Congress will focus on the drivers of change and the foundations of future political organisation of world society(ies). The participants will be invited to reflect on the changing nature of societal political formations; their underlying ideologies; the traditional and new forms of political participation; and the realm of competing identities, values and narratives, and the ways they are being instrumentalised. This discussion may underpin the debate on possible evolution of parliamentarianism and (its role in) public governance.
Plenary session 3: Leveraging Long-Term Solutions
Indicative topics:
- Enabling reliable futures: resilience, sustainability, and the role of parliaments
- Rewriting the code: cultural foundations of future humanity
- Leveraging technologies, the leverage of technologies
The third plenary session of the Congress will discuss the specific mission and responsibility of parliaments in tackling strategic issues of global development. The preparation and implementation of strategies is usually seen as the business of the heads of state and government. By their nature, however, democratic governments are the derivatives of parliaments, which have the direct mandate of the people. This means that the most sensitive and the most crucial decisions of governments must be approved by parliamentarians. Therefore, parliaments must be well equipped to judge on the quality and relevance of these decisions.
The speakers and panellists of this session are welcome to reflect on the role of parliaments in tackling the challenges of resilience, sustainability, and technological development of humanity; and to exchange their insights on the cultural, ideological and epistemological framing of such future-oriented parliamentary decision-making.
Parallel sessions: Embedding futures in parliamentary practice
Indicative topics:
- International parliamentary collaboration in futures governance
- Parliamentary futures technologies: empowering, consensus building, legitimisation, oversight
- Streamlining the policies for the survival, coexistence and well-being of humanity
- Technological transformation of the world: trajectories and perspectives
- Presentation of (inter)national foresight cases
The fourth part of the Congress will split into parallel sessions intended for presentations by the parliamentary delegations from around the world. Keeping in mind the overall purpose of the Congress, the presentations may cover almost every aspect of parliamentary futures governance, including awareness raising, consensus building and legitimisation practices, and reaching out to the exploration of specific thematic fields of the future, nation-wide long-term development visions, and parliamentary collaboration in tackling regional and global challenges.