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Previous legislatures

Liudas Jonaitis
Liudas Jonaitis
Seimas 2020-2024
Member of the Seimas from 11/13/2020
till 11/14/2024
Nominated by: Lithuanian Social Democratic Party
Elected: Žiemgalos vakarinė (No: 46) in the electoral constituency
Position Position
Biography Biography

Committees of the Seimas

11/24/2020 - 11/14/2024Committee on Budget and Finance, Deputy Chair
11/19/2020 - 11/23/2020Committee on Budget and Finance, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

11/24/2020 - 11/14/2024Commission for the Cause of Freedom and the National Historical Memory, Member
03/10/2021 - 11/14/2024Commission for Awarding the Aleksandras Stulginskis Star, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

11/13/2020 - 11/14/2024Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Political Group, Member

Drafts tabled

Business trips

2024.01.20 - 2024.01.27Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Taivano valdžios atstovais (Taivanas)
2023.09.23 - 2023.09.23Dėl Rimos Baškienės, Liudo Jonaičio, Kęstučio Masiulio ir Valdemaro Valkiūno dalyvavimo Baltų vienybės dienos minėjimo renginiuose ir susitikimuose su Latvijos Respublikos Saeimos Tarpparlamentinių ry (Latvijos Respublika)
2023.07.08 - 2023.07.10Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo Baltijos Asamblėjos Prezidiumo posėdyje, susitikime su Latvijos Respublikos Saeimos Tarpparlamentinių ryšių su Lietuva grupės nariais ir Nacionaliniame Latvijos dainų ir šok (Latvijos Respublika)
2022.07.29 - 2022.07.29Dėl Vytauto Gapšio, Liudo Jonaičio ir Mykolo Majausko dalyvavimo susitikime su Latvijos Respublikos Saeimos Biudžeto ir finansų komiteto pirmininke Vita Anda Tērauda (Latvijos Respublika)
2022.04.29 - 2022.04.29Dėl Liudo Jonaičio ir Stasio Tumėno dalyvavimo Rygos lietuvių vidurinės mokyklos jubiliejaus šventėje (Latvijos Respublika)
2021.09.25 - 2021.09.25Dėl Seimo valdybos 2021 m. rugsėjo 22 d. sprendimo Nr. SV-S-201 „Dėl Andriaus Bagdono, Algimanto Dumbravos, Liudo Jonaičio, Edmundo Pupinio ir Kazio Starkevičiaus dalyvavimo Baltų vienybės dienos minėjimo renginiuose“ pakeitimo (Latvijos Respublika)
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Date of birth

29 January 1954

Place of birth

Joniškis, Lithuania






Master’s in Education, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 


Veterinarian, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy (currently Veterinary Academy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) 


Secondary School No 1 in Joniškis (currently Aušros gimnazija  (upper secondary school))



Work experience



Director, Vocational Technical School in Joniškis (currently Joniškis Agricultural School)

Since 1977

Chief Veterinarian, Gataučiai State Farm, Joniškis District



Political career



Member, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party


Council Member, Joniškis District Deputy Chair, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party


Member of the 12th Seimas


Member, Committee on Education and Science


Deputy Chair, Commission for the Cause of Freedom and the National Historical Memory


Member, Municipal Council of Joniškis District





Former membership: President, Lithuanian Association of Vocational Training Institutions for Rural Development; Vice President, Lithuanian Association of Vocational Training Institutions; Member, Agriculture Research Council under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania


Activities: regular organisation of wood carving plein-airs Nature as the Spring of Good (Gamta – gėrio versmė) and painting plein-airs Blossoming of a Cherry Tree (Vyšnios žydėjimas), Member, folklore ensemble Jievaras

Awards: Certificates of Appreciation from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Chamber of Agriculture, the Ministry of Education and Science, Šiauliai County, and the Municipality of Joniškis District of the Republic of Lithuania for non-governmental activities, integrity in office, and active participation in promoting Lithuanian folk art and traditions; Honorary Title of the Resident of Joniškis for service to Joniškis District (2018) and Certificates of Appreciation of Šiauliai County and Joniškis District Municipality; winner of the contest Lietuvos kaimo spindulys – 2006 (Ray of the Lithuanian Rural Community 2006); Citizen of Honour of the State of Nebraska (USA), Badge of Honour for Service to Šiauliai County; Badge of Appreciation by the Municipality of Joniškis District; Badge of Honour by the Ministry of Education and Science, Member of the ROTATY club

Hobbies: folk dance, hunting, travel

Foreign languages: English and Russian






Married. Wife Nijolė, son Justinas, daughter Viktorija


Seat at plenary chamber Seat at plenary chamber