Laima Andrikienė elected Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Press release, 25 January 2021
Laima Andrikienė has been elected Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) at the PACE plenary session opened today.
‘The mission of the PACE is to defend human rights and promote democracy and the rule of law. The long history of the Assembly has had diverse periods, some of which were very difficult. The current period is among them as it requires both political will and wisdom in order to overcome the present-day challenges. This session is no exception since the agenda includes, among other key issues, Alexei Navalny’s arrest and oppression of peaceful demonstrators in Russia, parliamentary crisis in Georgia and examination of the credentials of the Russian delegation to the Assembly,’ said Ms Andrikienė.
The session is held in hybrid format this week, with a part of members of parliaments attending the session in person in Strasbourg and others joining them remotely. The Lithuanian delegation to the PACE did not travel to Strasbourg and are joining the session online.
Currently, the Council of Europe has 47 member countries, with a total of 324 parliamentary representatives as members of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Aldona Drėgvaitė, tel. +370 612 15698, e-mail: [email protected]
Monika Kutkaitytė