Laima Andrikienė: We stand in solidarity with Viasna activists fighting for human rights, freedom and democracy in Belarus #FreeViasna
Press release, 16 September 2021
On Friday, 17 September 2021, at 10 am, the Seimas will host a press conference by Dr Laima Andrikienė, member of the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, Deputy Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, and member of the Seimas Provisional Group ‘For a Democratic Belarus’, which is dedicated to the #FreeViasna international campaign.
Exactly a year ago, Marfa Rabkova, the coordinator of the Belarusian human rights NGO Viasna, was detained. Subsequently, more members of this organisation were arrested on trumped-up charges and falsely tried, behind closed doors, with no access for human rights defenders, journalists or representatives of civil society. There are currently 653 political prisoners, including representatives of Viasna.
Members of the Seimas involved in the MP4Freedom initiative in support of Belarusian political prisoners have undertaken to serve as patrons for Viasna representatives. Laima Andrikienė has taken patronage over Leonid Sudalenka, a father of four, and Rūta Miliūtė serves as patron for Marfa Rabkova.
‘We cannot be indifferent to human rights violations in Belarus and the repression of peaceful citizens in general, and of human rights defenders, representatives of independent media, youth organisations, political parties, and other activists fighting for freedom and democracy in particular. We cannot remain silent when the regime accuses peaceful protesters of criminal and administrative offences,’ said Laima Andrikienė, Member of the Seimas.
The press conference will be attended by Laima Andrikienė and Rūta Miliūtė, MPs; Vytis Jurkonis, Project Director of Vilnius Office at Freedom House; and representatives from the Human Rights Centre Viasna, namely, Natalia Satsunkevich, Pavel Sapelka, and Alina Stefanovich. They will speak about the day of solidarity dedicated to Viasna activists and discuss the situation in Belarus and support for the people of Belarus in their pursuit of freedom and democracy.
Aldona Drėgvaitė, Adviser to Dr Laima Andrikienė, Member of the Seimas, e-mail: [email protected]
Monika Kutkaitytė