Saulius Skvernelis, Speaker of the Seimas, meets with Italian Ambassador
Speaker of the Seimas congratulates the newly elected Speaker of the Icelandic Parliament
Speaker of the Seimas met with the German Ambassador
Seimas Committee on Foreign Affairs denies recognition to the illegitimate rule of Alexander Lukashenka in Belarus
Rasa Budbergytė, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, at the Meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC: Lithuania expresses its full support for the security priorities chosen by Poland
Committee on European Affairs: the European Commission welcomes the progress on the Next Generation Lithuania Plan but expects speedier implementation, of the reform part in particular
Renewing the Seimas’ long-term priorities for international cooperation
Seimas pays tribute to the victims of the Auschwitz-Birkenau German Nazi Concentration Camp and their memory
Seimas adopts a resolution on the continuity of foreign and security policy
Speaker of the Seimas: the farce planned in Belarus cannot be called elections
Speaker of the Seimas congratulates the re-elected Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Speaker of the Seimas: we will continue to support Moldova’s aspiration to join the EU and to free itself from energy dependence on Russia
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