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Concerning the work of journalists at the events marking the Day of Re-establishment of Lithuania’s Independence

Press release, 8 March 2023 


On Saturday, 11 March 2023, the usual procedure will apply to the work of accredited media representatives at the events marking the Day of Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence held in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.


Media representatives who wish to work on that day but do not have permanent accreditation are kindly invited to apply for a one-day pass by 10 March 2023, 2 p.m., by e-mail: [email protected] (the application must be sent by the editor, producer, etc. of the represented media). A one-day pass may be withdrawn at the Pass Office of Building 3 of the Seimas on 11 March 2023 (producing a valid identity document will be required upon withdrawal).


Photographers and cameramen will be admitted to the box above the main entrance to the Hall of the Act of 11 March for the solemn commemoration and the award ceremony of the National Independence Grant that will take place on 11 March 2023 at 10 a.m. Media representatives are required to arrive no later than 9.50 a.m.


If necessary, we will be able to share the live broadcast of the commemoration ceremony and the video recording of the event.


Please note that all photos will be available on the Flickr account of the Seimas. When using the photos, make sure to indicate the author and note that their copyrights are owned by the Office of the Seimas.


Programme of the events to commemorate the Day of Re-establishment of Lithuania’s Independence (in Lithuanian)



Monika Kutkaitytė, Adviser, Press Office, Information and Communication Department, tel. +370 5 239 6666, e-mail: [email protected]

       Last updated on 03/08/2023 13:14
       Monika Kutkaitytė