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Seimas ratified Defence Cooperation Agreement with the USA

Press release, 14 February 2017


The Seimas ratified the Defence Cooperation Agreement, signed between the governments of the Republic of Lithuania and the United States of America on 17 January 2017. The draft law on the ratification of the Agreement No XIIIP-342 was unanimously adopted by 111 votes in favour.


“We must make every effort to ensure the security of our country and its people. For this we need both our own political will and actions and the support of our allies for deterrence and if needed, for joint fight. The support of the United States is of utmost importance. The United States are undoubtedly our principal security guarantor and strategic partner in the area of defence and security,” said Vytautas Umbrasas, Vice Minister of National Security and Defence, as he presented the draft.


The Agreement details the status of US troops, civil component, dependants and contractors in the Republic of Lithuania, including arrival, departure, access to military infrastructure for military cooperation purposes, taxes, jurisdiction, military mail, recognition of driving licences, registration of vehicles, and movement.


“The Agreement facilitates certain administrative procedures that so far have greatly impeded and, I dare say, delayed the development of our defence potential. The Agreement stipulates in detail the status of US troops, civil component, and contractors in the Republic of Lithuania, including arrival, departure, access to military infrastructure for military cooperation purposes, taxes, jurisdiction, military mail, recognition of driving licences, registration of vehicles, and movement,” the Vice Minister said.  


Currently, the status of military forces of NATO member countries is regulated by the Agreement regarding the Status of Forces of Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty of 19 June 1951. The agreement concluded over 50 years ago does not encompass all the forms of modern military cooperation.



Saulė Eglė Trembo, Chief Specialist, Press Office, Information and Communication Department,  

tel. +370 5 239 6203, e-mail: [email protected]