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Members of the Seimas

Rasa Petrauskienė
Seimas 2020-2024
Member of the Seimas from 03/21/2023
Nominated by: Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
Elected: By list
Contacts Contacts
Room: III-412
Tel: +370 5 209 6716
Position Position
Biography Biography

Committees of the Seimas

03/22/2023Committee for the Future, Member
08/13/2024Committee on Economics, Member
03/22/2023 - 08/12/2024Committee on Social Affairs and Labour, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

04/10/2024Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

03/21/2023Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Member

Parliamentary groups

04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Georgia, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Nordic Countries (Kingdom of Denmark, Iceland, Kingdom of Norway, Republic of Finland, Kingdom of Sweden), Member
06/06/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Armenia, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan, Member
06/06/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Estonia, Member
11/30/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of India, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Latvia, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Moldova, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Türkiye, Member
04/19/2024 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the State of Israel, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the United Arab Emirates, Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the United States of America, Member
04/18/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Western Balkan Countries (Republic of Albania, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Kosovo), Member
04/04/2023 Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Ukraine, Member
06/06/2023 Provisional Group ‘Intermarium Assembly’, Member
06/06/2023 Provisional Group of Friends of the Lithuanian Coast, Member
07/18/2024 Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Member
07/18/2024 Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, Member

Drafts tabled

Business trips

2024.08.26 - 2024.08.29Dėl Seimo valdybos 2024 m. rugpjūčio 1 d. sprendimo Nr. SV-S-1479 „Dėl Andriaus Mazuronio, Kazio Starkevičiaus, Valentino Bukausko, Rasos Petrauskienės, Mindaugo Skritulsko ir Algirdo Stončaičio dalyv (Moldovos Respublika)
2024.05.11 - 2024.05.15Dėl Rasos Petrauskienės ir Kęstučio Vilkausko dalyvavimo Europos parlamentinio technologijų vertinimo tinklo direktorių susitikime (Norvegijos Karalystė)
2024.04.29 - 2024.05.06Dėl Rasos Petrauskienės dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Ukrainos Aukščiausiosios Rados nariais ir valstybės administracijos pareigūnais (Ukraina)
2024.04.17 - 2024.04.19Dėl Rasos Petrauskienės dalyvavimo seminare dirbtinio intelekto naudojimo klausimais (Italijos Respublika)
2024.01.31 - 2024.02.02Dėl Andriaus Mazuronio ir Rasos Petrauskienės dalyvavimo konferencijoje „Rusijos karas prieš vaikus“ (Latvijos Respublika)
2024.01.27 - 2024.01.30Dėl Rasos Petrauskienės, Liudos Pociūnienės, Lino Slušnio ir Artūro Žukausko dalyvavimo Tarpparlamentinėje konferencijoje dirbtinio intelekto klausimais (Belgijos Karalystė)
2023.11.26 - 2023.11.29Dėl Mato Maldeikio, Rasos Petrauskienės ir Andriaus Vyšniausko dalyvavimo Europos lyderystės tinklo organizuojamoje solidarumo misijoje (Izraelio Valstybė)
2023.06.16 - 2023.06.18Dėl Mato Maldeikio ir Rasos Petrauskienės dalyvavimo konferencijoje „Skaitmeninis raštingumas: kodėl tai svarbu atstovaujamajai demokratijai?“ (Portugalijos Respublika)
2023.04.30 - 2023.05.05Dėl Rasos Petrauskienės dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Charkivo savivaldybės ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų atstovais (Ukraina)


No data found
No data found

Date of birth

19 April 1976

Place of birth

Vilnius, Lithuania






MA in Organisation of Recreational Activities, Klaipėda University


Žemyna Gymnasium in Klaipėda



Work experience



Deputy Director, Administration of Klaipėda District Municipality


Sales Manager for the Baltic States, private company UAB Nexus Operations


Head of Marketing, private company UAB Smilties SPA


Adviser to Algirdas Saudargas, MEP


Staff member, Teams of Agnė Bilotaitė and Arvydas Anušauskas, Members of the Seimas


Deputy Director (current co-owner), private company UAB Poilsis pajūryje



Political career




Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats

2019–2020, since 2023

Member of the Seimas


Member, Klaipėda District Municipal Council; Chair, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Klaipėda District Municipal Council; Member, Committee on Culture, Education and Sport; Member, Council for Youth Affairs; Member, Commission for Drug Control; Member, Supervisory Board of the Public Institutions of the Lithuanian National Health System; Member, Strategic Planning Commission; Member, Board of Gargždai Football Club Banga

Since 2012

Head of Division, Klaipėda District Division of the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats

Since 2008

Coordinator for West Region, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats

Since 2006

Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats





Membership: Chair, rural community Smilgynai ir kaimynai; Member, Division for Western Lithuania, Lithuanian Royal Union of the Nobility

Hobbies: theatre, reading, travelling, cinema

Foreign languages: German, Russian





Married with two children

Seat at plenary chamber Seat at plenary chamber