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Adopted amendment to the Constitution will allow candidates to run for the Seimas starting from the age of 21

Press release, 21 April 2022


The Seimas has adopted an amendment to the Constitution (draft No XIIIP-4599(2)), lowering the age limit for candidates to the Seimas election to 21, provided the candidate turns at least 21 on the election day. The amendment to the Constitution was passed with 101 votes in favour, four votes against and 22 abstentions.

Previously, the Constitution established that persons aged at least 25 could stand as a candidates for the Seimas. Under the current legislation, candidates are allowed to run for and be elected to the European Parliament upon turning 21, and may run for the municipal council election upon having reached at least 18 years of age.

As previously noted by Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas, the change brought about by the amendment will undoubtedly bring more pluralism and a greater range of opinions to our Parliament and allow for better and more balanced decisions in the long run. Besides, it will also ensure a more targeted representation of young people and a greater focus on youth policy issues on the agenda of the Seimas.

According to Marius Matijošaitis, the youngest Member of the Seimas, there is currently only one parlamentarian in the Seimas aged under 30. ‘The decision to allow our citizens to stand as candidates for the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania from the age of 21 will be not only a very clear symbol, but also a practical step allowing young people to understand and feel that their opinion is heard and appreciated,’ the politician said.

Under the Statute of the Seimas, the draft law amending the Constitution is considered adopted by the Seimas if at least 2/3 of the Members of the Seimas, i.e. 94 parliamentarians, vote in favour of the draft at each voting.


Rimas Rudaitis, Adviser, Press Office, Information and Communication Department,

tel. +370 5 239 6132, e-mail: [email protected]


   Last updated on 07/25/2024 15:36
   Kamil Ząbkiewicz