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Members of the Seimas

Speaker of the Seimas congratulates Canada on National Day

Press release, 1 July 2023


On behalf of the Seimas and on her own behalf, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas, has congratulated Raymonde Gagné, Speaker of the Senate, and Anthony Rota, Speaker of the House of Commons, on Canada Day, the National Holiday of Canada. She wished Canadian Members of Parliament good health, every success, unity, and peace.


The Speaker of the Seimas welcomed the constructive partnership between the Parliaments of Canada and Lithuania, our successful cooperation in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, and Canada’s contribution to enhancing the security of the Baltic States and supporting Ukraine, which is defending the values of the democratic world and its own right to self-determination.


‘The outcome of the War in Ukraine will define our global future for decades to come,’ the congratulatory letter reads.         



Ilona Petrovė, Spokesperson for Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas, tel. +370 5 239 6030, mob. +370 698 42071, e-mail: [email protected],


   Last updated on 07/03/2023 10:57
   Monika Kutkaitytė