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Members of the Seimas

Speaker of the Seimas congratulates Cyprus on Independence Day

Press release, 1 October 2023


On behalf of the Seimas and on her own behalf, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas, congratulated the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus on Cypriot Independence Day. In her letter of congratulations to Ms Annita Demetriou, President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, the Speaker of the Seimas extended her wishes of every success to the Parliament of Cyprus in addressing the current challenges and in working for the benefit of the people of the country.


‘Cyprus and Lithuania have been successfully developing cooperation at various levels. I believe that our Parliaments will continue to contribute to strengthening the unity and cooperation of the European Union based on the common values of European democracy and stay committed to ensuring lasting prosperity and secure future of our countries and the continent as a whole,’ Ms Čmilytė-Nielsen underlined in her letter of congratulations.


Ilona Petrovė, Spokesperson for Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas, tel. +370 5 239 6030, mob. +370 8 42071, e-mail: [email protected], website:


   Last updated on 10/02/2023 11:45
   Monika Kutkaitytė