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Members of the Seimas

Speaker of the Seimas: ‘I deeply appreciate all those who have been supporting Ukraine though their firm words and consistent actions over the two years’

Press release, 24 February 2024 


Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas, says that the two years of the war in Ukraine have seen numerous developments. Moreover, there have been plentiful instances of extraordinary heroism and sacrifice, unprecedented Western solidarity, and a firm commitment to support Ukraine’s fight for as long as it takes. Right now, it is crucial that our focus on Ukraine does not waver for a second, and that Lithuania continues to lead by example in assisting Ukraine. 


‘Much depends on our determination. Ultimately, we will look back on all this as some larger or smaller steps towards the final victory. The aggression will be stopped and the aggressor will be expelled from the Ukrainian territory, while the masterminds and perpetrators of the aggression will receive just retribution. We have finally realised that we cannot lose; therefore, we will prevail in any case,’ Ms Čmilytė-Nielsen says.


According to the Speaker of the Seimas, today, she greatly appreciates all those who have been supporting Ukraine though their firm words and consistent actions over the two years.


‘Our sincere thanks go to all those who have donated funds as much as they could, and sometimes even more. We thank those who contributed by hoisting flags, sharing messages on social media, supporting war refugees and raising donations. We are grateful to them for fighting fake news, spreading the word of truth and even for engaging directly in resistance, both here in Lithuania and in Ukraine. Let us stand together until the final victory – Ukraine’ victory, which will eventually bring this war to an end,’ Ms Čmilytė-Nielsen says. 


Ilona Petrovė, Spokesperson for Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas, tel. +370 5 209 6030, mob. +370 698 42071, e-mail: [email protected]

   Last updated on 02/27/2024 09:10
   Monika Kutkaitytė