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Committee on Legal Affairs


The remit of the Committee on Legal Affairs shall be:

1) to consider and make proposals for developing State legal policy;

2) to prepare and help carry out a reform of the legal system;

3) to consider and present conclusions concerning drafts of proposed supplements and amendments of the Constitution and to preliminarily ascertain whether draft laws under discussion are in conformity with the Constitution;

4) repealed;

5) to prepare draft laws and proposals related to the enhancement of the effectiveness of law enforcement and to crime control and to coordinate the preparation of such drafts;

6) to consider and present conclusions and proposals concerning reforms of the system of law enforcement;

7) to present legal conclusions concerning drafts of laws and other legal acts prepared by other committees;

8) to consider and submit to the Seimas an opinion concerning candidates for justices and President of the Constitutional Court and judges and President of the Supreme Court, judges of other courts, prosecutors who are appointed by the Seimas or whose nomination requires the consent of the Seimas and concerning the release of judges and prosecutors from duties as well as the temporary transfer to another court of judges who are temporarily transferred to another court by the Seimas to another court or whose temporary transfer to another court requires the consent of the Seimas;

9) to exercise parliamentary scrutiny of the activities of law enforcement institutions, with the exception of courts, and to prepare conclusions and proposals related thereto;

10) to prepare and present conclusions and recommendations to the Seimas concerning the activities of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, the Prosecutor’s Office and other law enforcement institutions;

11) according to the rulings of the Constitutional Court concerning contradiction of laws and other acts of the Seimas to the Constitution, to prepare drafts of amendments of the said laws and other acts passed by the Seimas or to submit proposals to other committees to prepare such drafts;

12) to hear information of the Government’s representative at the European Court of Human Rights on the implementation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights; where appropriate, to make proposals with regard to measures necessary to implement decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.


Article 67 of the Statue of the Seimas