till 11/14/2024

Committees of the Seimas
11/19/2020 - 11/14/2024 | Committee on Human Rights, Member |
12/17/2020 - 11/14/2024 | Committee for the Future, Member |
Commissions of the Seimas
12/04/2020 - 11/14/2024 | Commission for Suicide and Violence Prevention, Chair |
11/24/2020 - 12/03/2020 | Commission for Addiction Prevention, Member |
11/24/2020 - 12/03/2020 | Commission for Suicide and Violence Prevention, Member |
Political groups of the Seimas
11/13/2020 - 11/14/2024 | Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Member |
Date of birth |
9 March 1972 |
Place of birth |
Vilnius, Lithuania |
Education |
2006 |
Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Vilnius University, Doctoral thesis on the problem of substantiation of human rights in contemporary political philosophy |
1996–1998 |
Master’s in Religious Studies, Vilnius University |
1991–1996 |
Master’s in Philosophy, Vilnius University |
1979–1991 |
Salomėjos Nėries Secondary School in Vilnius (currently Salomėjos Nėries gimnazija (upper secondary school)) |
Work experience |
2015–2017 |
Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University |
2016–2017 |
Assistant to Gabrielius Landsbergis, Member of the Seimas |
Spring Semester 2017 |
Teacher, Kazimieras Simonavičius University |
2004–2016 |
Editor in Chief and Director, online daily Bernardinai.lt |
2007–2012 |
Lecturer, Vilnius University; Lecturer, Mykolas Romeris University |
2000–2004 |
Lecturer, St. Joseph Seminary in Vilnius; Lecturer, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences |
2003 |
Assistant to Irena Degutienė, Member of the Seimas |
2001–2003 |
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania |
1998–2002 |
Assistant to Jonas Šimėnas, Algirdas Saudargas, Vytautas Bogušis, Members of the Seimas |
1998–2001 |
Teacher qualified in teaching methodologies, Centre for Religious Studies and Research, Vilnius University |
Political career |
Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats |
2017–2020 |
Member of the 12th Seimas |
Member, Committee on Human Rights |
Member, Commission for Addiction Prevention |
Member, Deputy Chair, Commission for Suicide and Violence Prevention |
Since 2015 |
Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats |
2002–2004 |
Member, Homeland Union (membership was suspended on assuming the job of a journalist) |
2000–2002 |
Member, Modern Christian Democratic Union |
1993–1999 |
Member, Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party |
Miscellaneous |
Author of books: Laiškai plaukiantiems prieš srovę, Kelio bendrija, Laisvų žmonių bendruomenė?, Padorios politikos principai, and Babelis Co-author of books: Krikščionybė ir demokratija, and Konservatizmo takoskyros Compiler of books: Moralė ir politika. Neokonservatyvusis požiūris, Mozaika, Aštuntoji diena, Pokalbiai su A. Alekseičiku: gyvename kartą, bet kiekvieną dieną, Laisvė ir tikėjimas, Sutemos tirščiausios prieš aušrą, Sveikas, gyvenime, Švęsti kosmose ir tvarte: Gendrutis Morkūnas, Tik ėjimas keliu, and Nepasmerkti Translator of books: St. Francis of Assisi by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, The Ball and the Cross by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, and Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb Author of magazines Ateitis and Kelionė Author of numerous publications in Lithuanian and foreign journals Winner of Man of Tolerance of the Year Award for consistent endeavours in defending human dignity (2010); Award of the Foundation of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania (2013) and Stasys Lozoraitis Award (2011) for promotion of Christian values and civic position |
Languages: English, Russian Hobbies: chess, books, writing |
Family |
Wife Vaida, daughter Dominyka Marija |