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Previous legislatures

Robertas Šarknickas
Robertas Šarknickas
Seimas 2020-2024
Member of the Seimas from 11/13/2020
till 11/14/2024
Nominated by: Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union
Elected: By list
Position Position
Biography Biography

Committees of the Seimas

12/17/2020 - 11/14/2024Committee on Culture, Deputy Chair
11/19/2020 - 12/16/2020Committee on Culture, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

11/24/2020 - 10/12/2021Commission for Suicide and Violence Prevention, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

11/13/2020 - 11/14/2024Political Group of the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union and the Christian Families Alliance, Member
No data found
No data found

Date of birth

7 December 1974

Place of birth

Kaunas, Lithuania






Certificate of Teacher


Stage and Screen Actor, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre


Traineeship, construction sector, Leipzig, Germany


Agricultural Technical School in Alanta, Molėtai District (currently School of Technology and Business)



Work experience



Company and Film Director, public company VšĮ kino studija A


Teacher, Šv. Benedikto gimnazija (upper secondary school) and Adolfo Ramanausko-Vanago gimnazija (upper secondary school) in Alytus, Secondary School in Panemunė


Chief Ethnographer, Culture Centre of Alytus District


Actor and Stage Director, Alytus City Theatre



Political career



Member, Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union

Since 2018

Member, Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union; Head of Division, Alytus City Division of the Union


Member of the 12th Seimas


Member, Committee on Culture


Chair, Commission for Suicide and Violence Prevention (2018–2020)


Member, Migration Commission (2016–2018)


Member, Commission for Suicide and Violence Prevention (2017–2018)


Member, Commission for the Rights of People with Disabilities (2017–2018)


Member, Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union Political Group


Member, Alytus City Municipal Council


Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats





directing of films; creation of 9 documentaries; acting in the film Ekskursantė (The Excursionist) and TV films; producing of the film Nepalikit, prašau (Don’t Leave, Please) on orphans, nominated for the Sidabrinė gervė (Silver Crane) award (2009); authoring of the book Šarkos sielos šauksmas (Magpie Soul’s Cry) (2015); organisation of the photography exhibition Ukraina mano akimis (Ukraine in My Eyes) (2004)

Public activities: lecturing at seminars in Lithuanian children day care centres; supporting of underprivileged and working families in urban areas; implementation of the project by the public organisation Save the Children Lithuania (2013–2014); implementation of projects under the Ministry of Culture of Lithuania and an international project under INTERREG III

Awards: winner of the Culture Prize of Alytus City (2006, 2009)

Hobbies: reading, photography, cinema, sports, travelling

Languages: Russian, German





Wife Agnė, daughters Patricija and Julija


Seat at plenary chamber Seat at plenary chamber