till 11/14/2024
Committees of the Seimas
03/25/2021 - 11/14/2024 | Committee on Education and Science, Member |
11/19/2020 - 03/24/2021 | Committee on Foreign Affairs, Member |
Commissions of the Seimas
12/08/2020 - 11/14/2024 | Freedom Prize Commission, Member |
12/11/2020 - 11/14/2024 | Commission for the Cause of Freedom and the National Historical Memory, Deputy Chair |
01/15/2021 - 11/14/2024 | Commission for the Traditions and Heritage of Lithuanian Studies, Member |
11/24/2020 - 12/10/2020 | Commission for the Cause of Freedom and the National Historical Memory, Member |
Political groups of the Seimas
11/13/2020 - 11/14/2024 | Political Group of the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union and the Christian Families Alliance, Member |
Date of birth |
24 April 1950 |
Place of birth |
Klaipėda, Lithuania |
Education |
1968–1973 |
Vilnius State University (currently Vilnius University), Archaeology |
1968 |
Secondary School No 21 in Vilnius (currently Gerosios Vilties progimnazija (lower secondary school)) |
Work experience |
2016 |
Chair, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences |
Since 2011 |
Full Member, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences |
Since 2009 |
Expert Member, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences |
2006–2016 |
Dean and, since 2008, Professor, Faculty of History, Vilnius Pedagogical University (currently Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education) |
1993 |
Rector, Vilnius Pedagogical University |
1991–1993 |
Vice Rector, Vilnius Pedagogical University |
1990–1991 |
Dean, Faculty of History, Vilnius Pedagogical Institute (currently Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education) |
1988–1990 |
Vice Dean, Faculty of History, Vilnius Pedagogical Institute |
1972–1977 |
Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Archaeologists Group, Scientific-Methodological Council for the Protection of Cultural Monuments |
Political career |
No party affiliation |
2016–2020 |
Member of the 12th Seimas |
Chair, Committee on Education and Science |
Member, Freedom Prize Commission |
Member, Commission for the Traditions and Heritage of Lithuanian Studies |
Member, Commission for the Cause of Freedom and the National Historical Memory (2018–2020) |
Member, Commission for the National Historical Memory (2017–2018) |
Miscellaneous |
Research into the 1st-11th century Aestian (Western Baltic) material and immaterial heritage. Archaeological research of flatland burial sites in Seredžius, Raudonėnai (Jurbarkas District) in 1974, 1975, Plikaigalis (Kėdainiai District) in 1977, Lauksvydai ir Krūvandai (Kaunas District) in 1978–1979, Rupunioniai (Kaunas District) in 1980, Šaukėnai (Tauragė District) in 1981–1983, Dauglaukis (Tauragė District) in 1984–1995 and in 2000, and Vėluikiai (Tauragė District) in 2006, 2007. In 1988, defended the doctoral thesis on Central Lithuania in the 1st to 4th century AD, Reconstructed on the Basis of Tombstones at the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. As one of the pioneers of Astroarchaeology, he has discovered and substantiated the astronomy-based Aestian burial rites and, namely, body positioning and grave orientation relative to pagan celestial deities of the Sun, the Moon, and the North (Pole) Star of the constellation Ursa Minor. He has devised and tested a new method for gender determination of the remains of the dead in cases when neither anthropological nor grave inventory study could yield any results. This, in particular, enabled researchers to establish the gender of children found in burial grounds. He has also established seasonal regularities in the worship rites dedicated to celestial deities in central Lithuania in the 1st through 5th century AD and the possible reasons for this; and has come up with a method for determining the season of the burial. Being one of the first researchers to study gender archaeology in Lithuania, he also studies the social make-up and social evolution of Aestians. He has developed and substantiated a new model of ethnogenesis of Aestians in the 1sth through 8th century AD, with a particular focus on the Great Migration of the Aestians and the settlement of the new Aestian tribes. He announced a new theory under which Lithuanians are the descendants of Galindians. This information is available in his publications: monographs on Aisčiai: Kilmė (Origins of Aestians) (2012), Raida (Evolution) (2014), and Lietuvių ir Lietuvos pradžia (Origins of Lithuanians and Lithuania) (2016); book The Aestians. The Western Balts (2020), and popular science book Kapai ir Žmonės (Graves and People). He presides the editorial board of the scientific journal Lituanistica and sits on editorial colleges of publications Lietuvos Archeologija (Lithuanian Archaeology) and Archaeologia Lituana.
He was the first in Lithuania to apply computer science to research and dissemination in the area of archaeology and history. He has pioneered in Lithuania in the application of multimedia technologies in the field of humanities. He has published 17 compact and video CDs, the most famous of which are Žvilgsnis į „Aukso“ amžių. Baltai pirmaisiais amžiais po Kristaus (A Look into the Golden Age: Baltic Tribes in Early Centuries AD) (1998), Lietuva iki Mindaugo (Lithuania before King Mindaugas) (1999), three editions of Gimtoji istorija (Native Land) (2002, 2003, and 2004); trilogy on Įdomiosios Lietuvos istorijos (Interesting Stories of Lithuania), which includes Valstybė (The State) (2005), Menas (Art) (2006), and Visuomenė (Society) (2007); and Lietuva 1009–2009 (Lithuania in 1009–2009) (2009).
Founder and member of the Lithuanian Archaeology Society (1989), founder of the Foundation of the Support for the Palace of the Grand Dukes (2000), Member of the National Commission for Cultural Heritage (2003-2011), member of the Seimas Commission for the National Independence Grant (2008-2012), member of the Council for Ethnic Care under the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (2014-2016).
Awards: Cross of Officer of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas (2003); New Book Smuggler (regional award for the development of the information society, 2005); Tauragė County Sign of Honour (2006); winner of the National Science Prize in the field of science applications for his work series, History and Computers (2008); Trakai History Museum’s Sign of Honour (2008, 2018); Tauragė Honorary Citizen (2014). |
Hobbies: music, books |
Languages: German and Russian |
Family |
Married to Audronė Jovaišienė; has a son, Marius, and a daughter, Indrė. |