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Vytautas Kernagis
Vytautas Kernagis
Seimas 2020-2024
Member of the Seimas from 11/13/2020
till 11/14/2024
Nominated by: Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
Elected: Pašilaičių (No: 13) in the electoral constituency
Position Position
Biography Biography

Committees of the Seimas

11/19/2020 - 11/14/2024Committee on Culture, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

11/13/2020 - 11/14/2024Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrat Political Group, Member
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Date of birth20 August 1976
Place of birthVilnius, Lithuania
2006–2007Business Management and Administration, ISM University of Management and Economics
2005IT Specialist, Faculty of Electronics and Informatics, University of Applied Sciences
1996–2000Junior Engineer of Computer Hardware, Vilnius Electronics Technical School (currently University of Applied Sciences)
1992-1996Vilnius Technical School of Construction (currently Vilnius College of Technologies and Design)
1983-1992Secondary School No 22 in Vilnius (currently Vilnius Engineering Lyceum under the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University)
Work experience 
2008–2009Managing Director, private company UAB Tiketa
2008–2016   Director, foundation Vytauto Kernagio fondas (Vytautas Kernagis Charity Foundation)
2006–2008Commercial Director, private company UAB Tiketa
2004–2006Head of IT Division, TV broadcaster 5 kanalas (Channel 5)
2000–2004Director, private company UAB Dizaino kryptis
Political career 
 Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats
2016–2020Member of the 12th Seimas
 Member, Committee on Culture
 Member, Commission for Suicide and Violence Prevention (2017–2018)
 Member. Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs (2016–2017)
Since 2015Member, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats

I was born and raised in Vilnius, where I got married and engaged in raising my sons Nojus and Kristijonas. I am convinced that Vilnius is one of the most beautiful cities in the world with a colourful and long history. I am an information technology specialist with an extensive experience in culture management and youth work. I am founder of Vytautas Kernagis support and charity foundation.


I believe that the public interest in helping people is also the main driver of political work. This entails permanent concern for the people around, including family, neighbours, and members of the district community.


Much depends on our own engagement and on real renewal in political life. The new generation must take responsibility and deliver creative modernisation of the state. If the Irish and Estonians can do it, we can certainly do it as well.


I am currently sitting on the Committee on Culture of the Seimas, therefore I regularly invite everyone to engage in a dialogue on culture and all other relevant matters.


I believe in a strong and creative Lithuania!

Hobbies: aviation, astronomy, photography, book reading, chess
Foreign languages: English and Russian
Two sons: Nojus and Kristijonas


Seat at plenary chamber Seat at plenary chamber