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Previous legislatures

Algis Kašėta
Algis Kašėta
Seimas 2012-2016
Member of the Seimas from 11/16/2012
till 04/08/2015
Nominated by: Liberals Movement of the Republic of Lithuania
Elected: Varėnos - Eišiškių (No: 70) in the electoral constituency
Position Position
Biography Biography

Committees of the Seimas

01/01/2014 - 04/08/2015Committee on National Security and Defence, Member
11/20/2012 - 12/31/2013Committee on National Security and Defence, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

12/04/2012 - 04/08/2015Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

11/16/2012 - 04/08/2015Liberals Movement Political Group, Member

Drafts tabled

Duomenų apie registruotus teisės aktų projektus ir pasiūlymus nėra.

No data found

Date of birth

20 December 1962

Place of birth

Mergežeris Village, Varėna District, Lithuania






Faculty of History, Vilnius State University (currently Vilnius University), Diploma of Historian


Secondary School No 2 (currently Rytas Secondary School) in Varėna


Secondary School No 1 (currently Ąžuolas Secondary School) in Varėna


Mergežeris Primary School, Varėna District



Work experience



Chief Inspector, Alytus Territorial Division, Cultural Heritage Inspectorate (currently Department of Cultural Heritage)


Chief Specialist of Cultural Monument Protection, Division of Education, Culture and Sports, Varėna District Municipality


Laboratory Assistant, feather and fluff factory Merkys in Varėna



Political career



Deputy Chairman of the Liberals Movement of the Republic of Lithuania

Since 2012

Member, Committee on National Security and Defence


Member, Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs


Member, Liberals Movement Political Group


Substitute, Seimas Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Deputy Speaker of the Seimas


Member, Committee on National Security and Defence


Chair, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland


Deputy Chair, Committee on National Security and Defence


Member, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland


Member, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


Deputy Chair, Committee on National Security and Defence



Service in the Soviet Army (1982–1984)

Activities: co-founder of the Lithuanian Reform Movement Sąjūdis in Varėna District; initiator of the re-establishment of the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union in Varėna Region; Member, Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union; co-founder of the Liberals Movement of the Republic of Lithuania; researcher of the post-war period; initiator of the national competition for pupils History of Lithuania’s Fights for Freedom and Losses

Awards: Cross of Commander of the Order for Merits to Lithuania; Commemorative Medal of 13 January, Medal of the Establishing Volunteers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces

Publications: author of academic articles on historical topics; co-author of the book Partizaninis karas Lietuvoje 1944–1953 m. (Partisan War in Lithuania in 1944–1953) and collections of documents Laisvės kovos 1944–1953 metais (Struggle for Freedom in 1944–1953), Lietuvos partizanų kovos ir jų slopinimas MVD–MGB dokumentuose 1944–1953 metais (Lithuanian Partisan Battles and Repression in MIA-KGB Documents in 1944–1953)

Interests: research in partisan war in 1944–1953

Foreign languages: Russian, Polish

Hobbies: fiction, historical literature, jazz, volleyball


Married with four children

Seat at plenary chamber Seat at plenary chamber