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Previous legislatures

Algirdas Sysas
Algirdas Sysas
Seimas 2020-2024
Member of the Seimas from 11/13/2020
till 11/14/2024
Nominated by: Lithuanian Social Democratic Party
Elected: By list
Position Position
Biography Biography

Conference of Chairs

11/13/2020 - 11/11/2021Conference of Chairs, Member

Committees of the Seimas

11/19/2020 - 11/14/2024Committee on European Affairs, Member
11/19/2020 - 11/14/2024Committee on Social Affairs and Labour, Member

Commissions of the Seimas

11/24/2020 - 11/14/2024Commission for Addiction Prevention, Member

Political groups of the Seimas

11/09/2021 - 11/14/2024Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Political Group, Member
11/13/2020 - 11/08/2021Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Political Group, Chair

Drafts tabled

Business trips

2024.03.24 - 2024.03.27Dėl Jono Jaručio, Armino Lydekos, Radvilės Morkūnaitės-Mikulėnienės ir Algirdo Syso dalyvavimo Europos Sąjungos parlamentų Sąjungos reikalų komitetų konferencijos (COSAC) plenariniame posėdyje (Belgijos Karalystė)
2024.01.20 - 2024.01.27Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Taivano valdžios atstovais (Taivanas)
2023.06.19 - 2023.06.19Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo susitikime su Lenkijos lietuvių bendruomene (Lenkijos Respublika)
2023.06.19 - 2023.06.19Dėl Seimo valdybos 2023 m. birželio 12 d. sprendimo Nr. SV-S-990 „Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo susitikime su Lenkijos lietuvių bendruomene“ pakeitimo (Lenkijos Respublika)
2023.06.19 - 2023.06.19Dėl Seimo valdybos 2023 m. birželio 12 d. sprendimo Nr. SV-S-990 „Dėl Seimo narių dalyvavimo susitikime su Lenkijos lietuvių bendruomene“ pakeitimo (Lenkijos Respublika)
2023.02.28 - 2023.03.05Dėl Vytauto Gapšio, Vytauto Mitalo, Algirdo Syso ir Arūno Valinsko dalyvavimo susitikimuose su Japonijos parlamento nariais ir kitų institucijų atstovais (Japonija)
2022.09.30 - 2022.10.01Dėl Vilijos Aleknaitės Abramikienės, Pauliaus Saudargo ir Algirdo Syso dalyvavimo Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo ir Lenkijos Respublikos Seimo ir Senato narių asamblėjos darbo grupių posėdyje (Lenkijos Respublika)
2022.06.08 - 2022.06.12Dėl Žygimanto Pavilionio, Algirdo Syso ir Dovilės Šakalienės darbo vizito į Ukrainą (Ukraina)
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No data found


Date of birth

5 March 1954

Place of birth

Vilnius, Lithuania






Diploma in Economics, Faculty of Industrial Economics, Vilnius State University (currently Faculty of Economics, Vilnius University)


Diploma in Radio-electronics, Vilnius Polytechnic College (currently Vilnius College of Technologies and Design)


Antano Vienuolio Secondary School in Vilnius (currently Antano Vienuolio Basic School and Vytauto Didžiojo gimnazija (upper secondary school))



Work experience



President, Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation


President, Lithuanian Association of Trade Unions


Leader, Lithuanian Trade Union of Metalworkers


Leader, Trade Union, factory Vilma


Employee, Bureau Manager, Workshop Chief, Deputy Manager of Sales Department, factory Vilma


Staff member, Vilnius Research Institute of Radio Measuring Devices



Political career



Member, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party


Member of the 12th Seimas


Member, Chair (2016–2017), Committee on Social Affairs and Labour


Member, Commission for Addiction Prevention


Member of the 11th Seimas


Deputy Speaker of the Seimas


Member, Board of the Seimas


Member, Conference of Chairs


Member, Committee on Audit (2012–2013)


Member, Committee on Social Affairs and Labour (2013–2016)


Member, Commission for Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Addiction


Head, Seimas Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe


Member of the 10th Seimas

Member, Committee on European Affairs

Member, Committee on Social Affairs and Labour

Member, Commission for Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Deputy Member, Seimas Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Member, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland


Member of the 9th Seimas

Chair, Committee on Social Affairs and Labour

Member, Committee on European Affairs

Member, Commission for Youth and Sport Affairs

Deputy Member, Seimas Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Member, Seimas Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Since 2005

Member, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party


Member of the 8th Seimas

Chair, Member, Committee on Social Affairs and Labour

Member, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

Member, Seimas Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 2003 and 2004



Member, Vilnius City Municipal Council


Member of the 7th Seimas

Deputy Chair, Member, Committee on Social Affairs and Labour

Member, Administration Commission

Member, Seimas Delegation to the Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Sejm of the Republic of Poland


Member, Vilnius City Municipal Council

Deputy Chair, Committee on Social Affairs



Military Service, Soviet Navy (1973–1976)

President, Lithuanian Orienteering Federation (1996–2005); Member, State Social Insurance Fund Board (1993–2004); Member, Tripartite Council of the Republic of Lithuania (1999–2001)

Areas of engagement: social welfare, labour relations

Hobbies: sport, music

Languages: Lithuanian (mother tongue), English, Russian, Polish





Married with two adult children and three grandchildren



Seat at plenary chamber Seat at plenary chamber